2012-05-21 20 views

¿Por qué los UUID se presentan en el formato "8-4-4-4-12" (dígitos)? He echado un vistazo por el motivo pero no puedo encontrar la decisión que lo requiere.Formato UUID: 8-4-4-4-12 - ¿Por qué?

Ejemplo de UUID formateado como cadena hexadecimal: 58D5E212-165B-4CA0-909B-C86B9CEE0111



Se separa por time, version, clock_seq_hi, clock_seq_lo, node, como se indica en la RFC followoing.

Desde el IETF RFC4122:

4.1.2. Layout and Byte Order 

    To minimize confusion about bit assignments within octets, the UUID 
    record definition is defined only in terms of fields that are 
    integral numbers of octets. The fields are presented with the most 
    significant one first. 

    Field     Data Type  Octet Note 

    time_low    unsigned 32 0-3 The low field of the 
          bit integer   timestamp 

    time_mid    unsigned 16 4-5 The middle field of the 
          bit integer   timestamp 

    time_hi_and_version unsigned 16 6-7 The high field of the 
          bit integer   timestamp multiplexed 
               with the version number 

    clock_seq_hi_and_rese unsigned 8 8  The high field of the 
    rved     bit integer   clock sequence 
               multiplexed with the 

    clock_seq_low   unsigned 8 9  The low field of the 
          bit integer   clock sequence 

    node     unsigned 48 10-15 The spatially unique 
          bit integer   node identifier 

    In the absence of explicit application or presentation protocol 
    specification to the contrary, a UUID is encoded as a 128-bit object, 
    as follows: 

    The fields are encoded as 16 octets, with the sizes and order of the 
    fields defined above, and with each field encoded with the Most 
    Significant Byte first (known as network byte order). Note that the 
    field names, particularly for multiplexed fields, follow historical 

    0     1     2     3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
    |       time_low        | 
    |  time_mid    |   time_hi_and_version | 
    |clk_seq_hi_res | clk_seq_low |   node (0-1)   | 
    |       node (2-5)       | 

Por qué era la división marca de tiempo en tres partes? – immibis


La forma en que se generan los campos depende de la versión de UUID. El método preferido no usa el tiempo, ya que revela la hora en que se generó el ID (una posible preocupación de seguridad). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier#Variants_and_versions – pmont


@pmont "Preferido"? –


El formato se define en IETF RFC4122 en la sección 3. Se define el formato de salida, donde dice "UUID = ..." Registro

3.- Espacio de nombres Plantilla

ID de espacio de nombres: UUID Información de registro: Fecha de registro: 2003-10-01

Declarado de registro del espacio de nombres: JTC 1/SC6 (ASN.1 Relator Group)

Declaración de estructura sintáctica: Un UUID es un identificador que es único a través de espacio y tiempo, con respecto a la espacio de todos los UUID. Como un UUID tiene un tamaño fijo de y contiene un campo de tiempo, es posible que los valores se transfieran a (alrededor de A.D. 3400, dependiendo del algoritmo específico utilizado). Un UUID se puede utilizar para múltiples propósitos, desde etiquetar objetos con una vida útil extremadamente corta, hasta identificar objetos que son muy persistentes en una red.

The internal representation of a UUID is a specific sequence of 
    bits in memory, as described in Section 4. To accurately 
    represent a UUID as a URN, it is necessary to convert the bit 
    sequence to a string representation. 

    Each field is treated as an integer and has its value printed as a 
    zero-filled hexadecimal digit string with the most significant 
    digit first. The hexadecimal values "a" through "f" are output as 
    lower case characters and are case insensitive on input. 

    The formal definition of the UUID string representation is 
    provided by the following ABNF [7]: 

    UUID     = time-low "-" time-mid "-" 
          time-high-and-version "-" 
          clock-seq-low "-" node 
    time-low    = 4hexOctet 
    time-mid    = 2hexOctet 
    time-high-and-version = 2hexOctet 
    clock-seq-and-reserved = hexOctet 
    clock-seq-low   = hexOctet 
    node     = 6hexOctet 
    hexOctet    = hexDigit hexDigit 
    hexDigit = 