2011-09-21 15 views

¿Cómo puedo obtener CodeMirror para sincronizar con un TextArea, de modo que la posición del cursor, los datos de selección & permanecen igual en los dos?Cómo obtener CodeMirror para seguir un TextArea

Estoy usando CodeMirror con MobWrite. CodeMirror solo usa un campo de texto para leer la entrada &. MobWrite puede manejar la selección, etc., sobre un área de texto dada, el problema es hacer que CodeMirror se sincronice con un área de texto.


Creo que probablemente sería mejor pedir más en el grupo de Google: http://groups.google.com/group/codemirror ; el autor de CodeMirror se puede ver en * mucho! * –


(para la comunidad) - Pregunta del grupo de Google añadida por OP: http://groups.google.com/group/codemirror/browse_thread/thread/6eb02667cf1f1797 –



Extendió el código ModWrite para admitir CodeMirror & funciona como un amuleto.

También se puede encontrar en GitHub. Detalles sobre el CodeMirror Group.

Código vierten a continuación para todos los que puedan pisar este camino:

// CODEMIRROR INPUTS : Aped from Neil's code 
Set a 'id' property for your codeMirror obj 
NoteToSelf: mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype.captureCursor_ - implement hasFocus 
import linech2n func 
import this code after you import MobWrite. 

* Constructor of shared object representing a CodeMirror obj 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj = function(cmObj) { 
    // Call our prototype's constructor. 
    if(!"id" in cmObj) cmObj.id="TEMP"; 
    mobwrite.shareObj.apply(this, [cmObj.id]); 
    this.element = cmObj; 

// The textarea shared object's parent is a shareObj. 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype = new mobwrite.shareObj(''); 

* Retrieve the user's text. 
* @return {string} Plaintext content. 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype.getClientText = function() { 
    var text = mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.normalizeLinebreaks_(this.element.getValue()); 
    return text; 

* Set the user's text. 
* @param {string} text New text 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype.setClientText = function(text) { 

* Modify the user's plaintext by applying a series of patches against it. 
* @param {Array.<patch_obj>} patches Array of Patch objects. 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype.patchClientText = function(patches) { 
    // Set some constants which tweak the matching behaviour. 
    // Maximum distance to search from expected location. 
    this.dmp.Match_Distance = 1000; 
    // At what point is no match declared (0.0 = perfection, 1.0 = very loose) 
    this.dmp.Match_Threshold = 0.6; 

    var oldClientText = this.getClientText(); 
    var cursor = this.captureCursor_(); 
    // Pack the cursor offsets into an array to be adjusted. 
    // See http://neil.fraser.name/writing/cursor/ 
    var offsets = []; 
    if (cursor) { 
    offsets[0] = cursor.startOffset; 
    if ('endOffset' in cursor) { 
     offsets[1] = cursor.endOffset; 
    var newClientText = this.patch_apply_(patches, oldClientText, offsets); 
    // Set the new text only if there is a change to be made. 
    if (oldClientText != newClientText) { 
    if (cursor) { 
     // Unpack the offset array. 
     cursor.startOffset = offsets[0]; 
     if (offsets.length > 1) { 
     cursor.endOffset = offsets[1]; 
     if (cursor.startOffset >= cursor.endOffset) { 
      cursor.collapsed = true; 

* Merge a set of patches onto the text. Return a patched text. 
* @param {Array.<patch_obj>} patches Array of patch objects. 
* @param {string} text Old text. 
* @param {Array.<number>} offsets Offset indices to adjust. 
* @return {string} New text. 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype.patch_apply_ = 
    function(patches, text, offsets) { 
    if (patches.length == 0) { 
    return text; 

    // Deep copy the patches so that no changes are made to originals. 
    patches = this.dmp.patch_deepCopy(patches); 
    var nullPadding = this.dmp.patch_addPadding(patches); 
    text = nullPadding + text + nullPadding; 

    // delta keeps track of the offset between the expected and actual location 
    // of the previous patch. If there are patches expected at positions 10 and 
    // 20, but the first patch was found at 12, delta is 2 and the second patch 
    // has an effective expected position of 22. 
    var delta = 0; 
    for (var x = 0; x < patches.length; x++) { 
    var expected_loc = patches[x].start2 + delta; 
    var text1 = this.dmp.diff_text1(patches[x].diffs); 
    var start_loc; 
    var end_loc = -1; 
    if (text1.length > this.dmp.Match_MaxBits) { 
     // patch_splitMax will only provide an oversized pattern in the case of 
     // a monster delete. 
     start_loc = this.dmp.match_main(text, 
      text1.substring(0, this.dmp.Match_MaxBits), expected_loc); 
     if (start_loc != -1) { 
     end_loc = this.dmp.match_main(text, 
      text1.substring(text1.length - this.dmp.Match_MaxBits), 
      expected_loc + text1.length - this.dmp.Match_MaxBits); 
     if (end_loc == -1 || start_loc >= end_loc) { 
      // Can't find valid trailing context. Drop this patch. 
      start_loc = -1; 
    } else { 
     start_loc = this.dmp.match_main(text, text1, expected_loc); 
    if (start_loc == -1) { 
     // No match found. :(
     if (mobwrite.debug) { 
     window.console.warn('Patch failed: ' + patches[x]); 
     // Subtract the delta for this failed patch from subsequent patches. 
     delta -= patches[x].length2 - patches[x].length1; 
    } else { 
     // Found a match. :) 
     if (mobwrite.debug) { 
     window.console.info('Patch OK.'); 
     delta = start_loc - expected_loc; 
     var text2; 
     if (end_loc == -1) { 
     text2 = text.substring(start_loc, start_loc + text1.length); 
     } else { 
     text2 = text.substring(start_loc, end_loc + this.dmp.Match_MaxBits); 
     // Run a diff to get a framework of equivalent indices. 
     var diffs = this.dmp.diff_main(text1, text2, false); 
     if (text1.length > this.dmp.Match_MaxBits && 
      this.dmp.diff_levenshtein(diffs)/text1.length > 
      this.dmp.Patch_DeleteThreshold) { 
     // The end points match, but the content is unacceptably bad. 
     if (mobwrite.debug) { 
      window.console.warn('Patch contents mismatch: ' + patches[x]); 
     } else { 
     var index1 = 0; 
     var index2; 
     for (var y = 0; y < patches[x].diffs.length; y++) { 
      var mod = patches[x].diffs[y]; 
      if (mod[0] !== DIFF_EQUAL) { 
      index2 = this.dmp.diff_xIndex(diffs, index1); 
      if (mod[0] === DIFF_INSERT) { // Insertion 
      text = text.substring(0, start_loc + index2) + mod[1] + 
        text.substring(start_loc + index2); 
      for (var i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) { 
       if (offsets[i] + nullPadding.length > start_loc + index2) { 
       offsets[i] += mod[1].length; 
      } else if (mod[0] === DIFF_DELETE) { // Deletion 
      var del_start = start_loc + index2; 
      var del_end = start_loc + this.dmp.diff_xIndex(diffs, 
       index1 + mod[1].length); 
      text = text.substring(0, del_start) + text.substring(del_end); 
      for (var i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) { 
       if (offsets[i] + nullPadding.length > del_start) { 
       if (offsets[i] + nullPadding.length < del_end) { 
        offsets[i] = del_start - nullPadding.length; 
       } else { 
        offsets[i] -= del_end - del_start; 
      if (mod[0] !== DIFF_DELETE) { 
      index1 += mod[1].length; 
    // Strip the padding off. 
    text = text.substring(nullPadding.length, text.length - nullPadding.length); 
    return text; 

* Record information regarding the current cursor. 
* @return {Object?} Context information of the cursor. 
* @private 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype.captureCursor_ = function() { 
    this.element.focus();//change to hasFocus()?Pass:return null; 
    var padLength = this.dmp.Match_MaxBits/2; // Normally 16. 
    var text = this.element.getValue(); 
    var cursor = {}; 
    var selectionStart = linech2n(this.element, this.element.getCursor(true)); 
    var selectionEnd = linech2n(this.element, this.element.getCursor(false)); 
    cursor.startPrefix = text.substring(selectionStart - padLength, selectionStart); 
    cursor.startSuffix = text.substring(selectionStart, selectionStart + padLength); 
    cursor.startOffset = selectionStart; 
    cursor.collapsed = (selectionStart == selectionEnd); 
    if (!cursor.collapsed) { 
     cursor.endPrefix = text.substring(selectionEnd - padLength, selectionEnd); 
     cursor.endSuffix = text.substring(selectionEnd, selectionEnd + padLength); 
     cursor.endOffset = selectionEnd; 
    // Record scrollbar locations 
    if ('scrollTop' in this.element.getScrollerElement()) { 
    scroller = this.element.getScrollerElement(); 
    cursor.scrollTop = scroller.scrollTop/scroller.scrollHeight; 
    cursor.scrollLeft = scroller.scrollLeft/scroller.scrollWidth; 

    // alert(cursor.startPrefix + '|' + cursor.startSuffix + ' ' + 
    //  cursor.startOffset + '\n' + cursor.endPrefix + '|' + 
    //  cursor.endSuffix + ' ' + cursor.endOffset + '\n' + 
    //  cursor.scrollTop + ' x ' + cursor.scrollLeft); 
    return cursor; 

* Attempt to restore the cursor's location. 
* @param {Object} cursor Context information of the cursor. 
* @private 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype.restoreCursor_ = function(cursor) { 
    // Set some constants which tweak the matching behaviour. 
    // Maximum distance to search from expected location. 
    this.dmp.Match_Distance = 1000; 
    // At what point is no match declared (0.0 = perfection, 1.0 = very loose) 
    this.dmp.Match_Threshold = 0.9; 

    var padLength = this.dmp.Match_MaxBits/2; // Normally 16. 
    var newText = this.element.getValue(); 

    // Find the start of the selection in the new text. 
    var pattern1 = cursor.startPrefix + cursor.startSuffix; 
    var pattern2, diff; 
    var cursorStartPoint = this.dmp.match_main(newText, pattern1, 
     cursor.startOffset - padLength); 
    if (cursorStartPoint !== null) { 
    pattern2 = newText.substring(cursorStartPoint, 
           cursorStartPoint + pattern1.length); 
    //alert(pattern1 + '\nvs\n' + pattern2); 
    // Run a diff to get a framework of equivalent indicies. 
    diff = this.dmp.diff_main(pattern1, pattern2, false); 
    cursorStartPoint += this.dmp.diff_xIndex(diff, cursor.startPrefix.length); 

    var cursorEndPoint = null; 
    if (!cursor.collapsed) { 
    // Find the end of the selection in the new text. 
    pattern1 = cursor.endPrefix + cursor.endSuffix; 
    cursorEndPoint = this.dmp.match_main(newText, pattern1, 
     cursor.endOffset - padLength); 
    if (cursorEndPoint !== null) { 
     pattern2 = newText.substring(cursorEndPoint, 
            cursorEndPoint + pattern1.length); 
     //alert(pattern1 + '\nvs\n' + pattern2); 
     // Run a diff to get a framework of equivalent indicies. 
     diff = this.dmp.diff_main(pattern1, pattern2, false); 
     cursorEndPoint += this.dmp.diff_xIndex(diff, cursor.endPrefix.length); 

    // Deal with loose ends 
    if (cursorStartPoint === null && cursorEndPoint !== null) { 
    // Lost the start point of the selection, but we have the end point. 
    // Collapse to end point. 
    cursorStartPoint = cursorEndPoint; 
    } else if (cursorStartPoint === null && cursorEndPoint === null) { 
    // Lost both start and end points. 
    // Jump to the offset of start. 
    cursorStartPoint = cursor.startOffset; 
    if (cursorEndPoint === null) { 
    // End not known, collapse to start. 
    cursorEndPoint = cursorStartPoint; 

    // Restore selection. 
    this.element.setSelection(n2linech(this.element, cursorStartPoint), n2linech(this.element, cursorEndPoint)); 

    // Restore scrollbar locations 
    if ('scrollTop' in cursor) { 
    this.element.getScrollerElement().scrollTop = cursor.scrollTop * this.element.getScrollerElement().scrollHeight; 
    this.element.getScrollerElement().scrollLeft = cursor.scrollLeft * this.element.getScrollerElement().scrollWidth; 

* Ensure that all linebreaks are LF 
* @param {string} text Text with unknown line breaks 
* @return {string} Text with normalized linebreaks 
* @private 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.normalizeLinebreaks_ = function(text) { 
    return text.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').replace(/\r/g, '\n'); 

* Handler to accept CodeMirror Objs 
* @param {*} cmObj CodeMirror Object. 
* @return {Object?} A sharing object or null. 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.shareHandler = function(cmObj) { 
    if ('lineCount' in cmObj) { 
    return new mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj(cmObj); 
    return null; 

// Register this shareHandler with MobWrite. 

//functions for converting b/n index on the data string & the {line, ch} obj of codeMirror 
function linech2n(ed, linech) { 
    var line = linech.line; 
    var ch = linech.ch; 
    var n = line + ch; //for the \n s & chars in the line 
    for(i=0;i<line;i++) { 
     n += (ed.getLine(i)).length;//for the chars in all preceeding lines 
    return n; 

function n2linech(ed, n) { 
    var line=0, ch=0, index=0; 
    for(i=0;i<ed.lineCount();i++) { 
     len = (ed.getLine(i)).length; 
     if(n < index+len) { 
      line = i; 
      ch = n-index; 
      return {line:line, ch:ch}; 
     len++;//for \n char 
     index += len; 
    return {line:line, ch:ch}; 

Puede verlo en acción en: [CodePad] (http://notepyd.appspot.com/?fileID=mobwrite_codemirror.js) – Sathvik


¿Es posible agregar compatibilidad con iOS para CodePad con este módulo? – Dmitry


@Altaveron, nunca lo he probado en iOS, así que no estoy muy seguro de qué tan bien funcionaría CodeMirror allí, pero esta extensión probablemente funcione sin demasiados problemas. – Sathvik

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