2012-06-22 23 views

sé cómo crear un enlace simbólico en las ventanas en un script .bat:¿Cuál es el equivalente de C# de "mklink/J"?

mklink /J <LinkPath> <OriginalResourcePath> 

cómo hacer lo mismo en C#?

No he sido feliz con Google, porque soy un principiante en C# y probablemente no utilice los términos correctos. ¿Alguien puede indicar la API para usar, por favor?


http://web3.codeproject.com/Articles/15633/Manipulating-NTFS-Junction-Points-in-NET –


¿Realmente desea crear una unión (de ahí el '/J' cambiar a 'mklink')? A partir de la respuesta aceptada, parece que realmente buscabas un enlace simbólico (invoca 'mklink' sin ninguna opción). –


Aquí hay una aplicación de Windows Forms que lo usa. https://github.com/robwil/DropPrefs. Mire en el archivo Code Behind -> MainForm.cs –



Aquí está un ejemplo de código:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.IO; 

namespace ConsoleApplication 
    class Program 
     static extern bool CreateSymbolicLink(
     string lpSymlinkFileName, string lpTargetFileName, SymbolicLink dwFlags); 

     enum SymbolicLink 
      File = 0, 
      Directory = 1 

     static void Main(string[] args) 
      string symbolicLink = @"c:\bar.txt"; 
      string fileName = @"c:\temp\foo.txt"; 

      using (var writer = File.CreateText(fileName)) 
       writer.WriteLine("Hello World"); 

      CreateSymbolicLink(symbolicLink, fileName, SymbolicLink.File); 

Esto creará un archivo de enlace simbólico llamado bar.txt en el directorio C: -drive que enlaza con el archivo de texto foo.txt almacenada en el directorio C: \ temp .


gracias por el ejemplo del código, pero validé las respuestas de isrog porque su enlace proporciona más información, y acabo de pedir un puntero. También voté tu respuesta porque todavía es una buena respuesta. –


Tomó nota, pero no creo que siga este enlace, las respuestas son el propósito de SO. Esos enlaces pueden morir en cualquier momento. Quiere que los usuarios que llegan aquí todavía tengan una respuesta. No es un posible enlace muerto. –


cierto, pensaré en pensar la próxima vez. Aunque normalmente uso enlaces solo a lugares muy estables como MSDN de Javadoc oficial –


Aquí hay un proyecto que tiene las firmas de PInvoke para crear uniones: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/15633/Manipulating-NTFS-Junction-Points-in-NET. El código se copia a continuación:

using System; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Text; 
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; 

namespace Util { 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Provides access to NTFS junction points in .Net. 
    /// </summary> 
    public static class JunctionPoint { 
     /// <summary> 
     /// The file or directory is not a reparse point. 
     /// </summary> 
     private const int ERROR_NOT_A_REPARSE_POINT = 4390; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// The reparse point attribute cannot be set because it conflicts with an existing attribute. 
     /// </summary> 
     private const int ERROR_REPARSE_ATTRIBUTE_CONFLICT = 4391; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// The data present in the reparse point buffer is invalid. 
     /// </summary> 
     private const int ERROR_INVALID_REPARSE_DATA = 4392; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// The tag present in the reparse point buffer is invalid. 
     /// </summary> 
     private const int ERROR_REPARSE_TAG_INVALID = 4393; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// There is a mismatch between the tag specified in the request and the tag present in the reparse point. 
     /// </summary> 
     private const int ERROR_REPARSE_TAG_MISMATCH = 4394; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Command to set the reparse point data block. 
     /// </summary> 
     private const int FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT = 0x000900A4; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Command to get the reparse point data block. 
     /// </summary> 
     private const int FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT = 0x000900A8; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Command to delete the reparse point data base. 
     /// </summary> 
     private const int FSCTL_DELETE_REPARSE_POINT = 0x000900AC; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Reparse point tag used to identify mount points and junction points. 
     /// </summary> 
     private const uint IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT = 0xA0000003; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// This prefix indicates to NTFS that the path is to be treated as a non-interpreted 
     /// path in the virtual file system. 
     /// </summary> 
     private const string NonInterpretedPathPrefix = @"\??\"; 

     private enum EFileAccess : uint { 
      GenericRead = 0x80000000, 
      GenericWrite = 0x40000000, 
      GenericExecute = 0x20000000, 
      GenericAll = 0x10000000, 

     private enum EFileShare : uint { 
      None = 0x00000000, 
      Read = 0x00000001, 
      Write = 0x00000002, 
      Delete = 0x00000004, 

     private enum ECreationDisposition : uint { 
      New = 1, 
      CreateAlways = 2, 
      OpenExisting = 3, 
      OpenAlways = 4, 
      TruncateExisting = 5, 

     private enum EFileAttributes : uint { 
      Readonly = 0x00000001, 
      Hidden = 0x00000002, 
      System = 0x00000004, 
      Directory = 0x00000010, 
      Archive = 0x00000020, 
      Device = 0x00000040, 
      Normal = 0x00000080, 
      Temporary = 0x00000100, 
      SparseFile = 0x00000200, 
      ReparsePoint = 0x00000400, 
      Compressed = 0x00000800, 
      Offline = 0x00001000, 
      NotContentIndexed = 0x00002000, 
      Encrypted = 0x00004000, 
      Write_Through = 0x80000000, 
      Overlapped = 0x40000000, 
      NoBuffering = 0x20000000, 
      RandomAccess = 0x10000000, 
      SequentialScan = 0x08000000, 
      DeleteOnClose = 0x04000000, 
      BackupSemantics = 0x02000000, 
      PosixSemantics = 0x01000000, 
      OpenReparsePoint = 0x00200000, 
      OpenNoRecall = 0x00100000, 
      FirstPipeInstance = 0x00080000 

     private struct REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER { 
      /// <summary> 
      /// Reparse point tag. Must be a Microsoft reparse point tag. 
      /// </summary> 
      public uint ReparseTag; 

      /// <summary> 
      /// Size, in bytes, of the data after the Reserved member. This can be calculated by: 
      /// (4 * sizeof(ushort)) + SubstituteNameLength + PrintNameLength + 
      /// (namesAreNullTerminated ? 2 * sizeof(char) : 0); 
      /// </summary> 
      public ushort ReparseDataLength; 

      /// <summary> 
      /// Reserved; do not use. 
      /// </summary> 
      public ushort Reserved; 

      /// <summary> 
      /// Offset, in bytes, of the substitute name string in the PathBuffer array. 
      /// </summary> 
      public ushort SubstituteNameOffset; 

      /// <summary> 
      /// Length, in bytes, of the substitute name string. If this string is null-terminated, 
      /// SubstituteNameLength does not include space for the null character. 
      /// </summary> 
      public ushort SubstituteNameLength; 

      /// <summary> 
      /// Offset, in bytes, of the print name string in the PathBuffer array. 
      /// </summary> 
      public ushort PrintNameOffset; 

      /// <summary> 
      /// Length, in bytes, of the print name string. If this string is null-terminated, 
      /// PrintNameLength does not include space for the null character. 
      /// </summary> 
      public ushort PrintNameLength; 

      /// <summary> 
      /// A buffer containing the unicode-encoded path string. The path string contains 
      /// the substitute name string and print name string. 
      /// </summary> 
      [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 0x3FF0)] 
      public byte[] PathBuffer; 

     [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] 
     private static extern bool DeviceIoControl(IntPtr hDevice, uint dwIoControlCode, 
      IntPtr InBuffer, int nInBufferSize, 
      IntPtr OutBuffer, int nOutBufferSize, 
      out int pBytesReturned, IntPtr lpOverlapped); 

     [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] 
     private static extern IntPtr CreateFile(
      string lpFileName, 
      EFileAccess dwDesiredAccess, 
      EFileShare dwShareMode, 
      IntPtr lpSecurityAttributes, 
      ECreationDisposition dwCreationDisposition, 
      EFileAttributes dwFlagsAndAttributes, 
      IntPtr hTemplateFile); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Creates a junction point from the specified directory to the specified target directory. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <remarks> 
     /// Only works on NTFS. 
     /// </remarks> 
     /// <param name="targetDir">The target directory to create</param> 
     /// <param name="sourceDir">The source directory to alias</param> 
     /// <param name="overwrite">If true overwrites an existing reparse point or empty directory</param> 
     /// <exception cref="IOException">Thrown when the junction point could not be created or when 
     /// an existing directory was found and <paramref name="overwrite" /> if false</exception> 
     public static void Create(string sourceDir, string targetDir, bool overwrite) { 
      sourceDir = Path.GetFullPath(sourceDir); 

      if (!Directory.Exists(sourceDir)) 
       throw new IOException($"Source path does not exist or is not a directory."); 

      if (Directory.Exists(targetDir)) 
       throw new IOException($"Directory '{targetDir}' already exists."); 


      using (SafeFileHandle handle = OpenReparsePoint(targetDir, EFileAccess.GenericWrite)) { 
       byte[] sourceDirBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(NonInterpretedPathPrefix + Path.GetFullPath(sourceDir)); 

       REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER reparseDataBuffer = new REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER(); 

       reparseDataBuffer.ReparseTag = IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT; 
       reparseDataBuffer.ReparseDataLength = (ushort)(sourceDirBytes.Length + 12); 
       reparseDataBuffer.SubstituteNameOffset = 0; 
       reparseDataBuffer.SubstituteNameLength = (ushort)sourceDirBytes.Length; 
       reparseDataBuffer.PrintNameOffset = (ushort)(sourceDirBytes.Length + 2); 
       reparseDataBuffer.PrintNameLength = 0; 
       reparseDataBuffer.PathBuffer = new byte[0x3ff0]; 
       Array.Copy(sourceDirBytes, reparseDataBuffer.PathBuffer, sourceDirBytes.Length); 

       int inBufferSize = Marshal.SizeOf(reparseDataBuffer); 
       IntPtr inBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(inBufferSize); 

       try { 
        Marshal.StructureToPtr(reparseDataBuffer, inBuffer, false); 

        int bytesReturned; 
        bool result = DeviceIoControl(handle.DangerousGetHandle(), FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT, 
         inBuffer, sourceDirBytes.Length + 20, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out bytesReturned, IntPtr.Zero); 

        if (!result) 
         ThrowLastWin32Error($"Unable to create junction point '{sourceDir}' -> '{targetDir}'."); 
       } finally { 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Deletes a junction point at the specified source directory along with the directory itself. 
     /// Does nothing if the junction point does not exist. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <remarks> 
     /// Only works on NTFS. 
     /// </remarks> 
     /// <param name="junctionPoint">The junction point path</param> 
     public static void Delete(string junctionPoint) { 
      if (!Directory.Exists(junctionPoint)) { 
       if (File.Exists(junctionPoint)) 
        throw new IOException("Path is not a junction point."); 


      using (SafeFileHandle handle = OpenReparsePoint(junctionPoint, EFileAccess.GenericWrite)) { 
       REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER reparseDataBuffer = new REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER(); 

       reparseDataBuffer.ReparseTag = IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT; 
       reparseDataBuffer.ReparseDataLength = 0; 
       reparseDataBuffer.PathBuffer = new byte[0x3ff0]; 

       int inBufferSize = Marshal.SizeOf(reparseDataBuffer); 
       IntPtr inBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(inBufferSize); 
       try { 
        Marshal.StructureToPtr(reparseDataBuffer, inBuffer, false); 

        int bytesReturned; 
        bool result = DeviceIoControl(handle.DangerousGetHandle(), FSCTL_DELETE_REPARSE_POINT, 
         inBuffer, 8, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out bytesReturned, IntPtr.Zero); 

        if (!result) 
         ThrowLastWin32Error("Unable to delete junction point."); 
       } finally { 

       try { 
       } catch (IOException ex) { 
        throw new IOException("Unable to delete junction point.", ex); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Determines whether the specified path exists and refers to a junction point. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="path">The junction point path</param> 
     /// <returns>True if the specified path represents a junction point</returns> 
     /// <exception cref="IOException">Thrown if the specified path is invalid 
     /// or some other error occurs</exception> 
     public static bool Exists(string path) { 
      if (!Directory.Exists(path)) 
       return false; 

      using (SafeFileHandle handle = OpenReparsePoint(path, EFileAccess.GenericRead)) { 
       string target = InternalGetTarget(handle); 
       return target != null; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Gets the target of the specified junction point. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <remarks> 
     /// Only works on NTFS. 
     /// </remarks> 
     /// <param name="junctionPoint">The junction point path</param> 
     /// <returns>The target of the junction point</returns> 
     /// <exception cref="IOException">Thrown when the specified path does not 
     /// exist, is invalid, is not a junction point, or some other error occurs</exception> 
     public static string GetTarget(string junctionPoint) { 
      using (SafeFileHandle handle = OpenReparsePoint(junctionPoint, EFileAccess.GenericRead)) { 
       string target = InternalGetTarget(handle); 
       if (target == null) 
        throw new IOException("Path is not a junction point."); 

       return target; 

     private static string InternalGetTarget(SafeFileHandle handle) { 
      int outBufferSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER)); 
      IntPtr outBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(outBufferSize); 

      try { 
       int bytesReturned; 
       bool result = DeviceIoControl(handle.DangerousGetHandle(), FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT, 
        IntPtr.Zero, 0, outBuffer, outBufferSize, out bytesReturned, IntPtr.Zero); 

       if (!result) { 
        int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); 
        if (error == ERROR_NOT_A_REPARSE_POINT) 
         return null; 

        ThrowLastWin32Error("Unable to get information about junction point."); 

        Marshal.PtrToStructure(outBuffer, typeof(REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER)); 

       if (reparseDataBuffer.ReparseTag != IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT) 
        return null; 

       string targetDir = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(reparseDataBuffer.PathBuffer, 
        reparseDataBuffer.SubstituteNameOffset, reparseDataBuffer.SubstituteNameLength); 

       if (targetDir.StartsWith(NonInterpretedPathPrefix)) 
        targetDir = targetDir.Substring(NonInterpretedPathPrefix.Length); 

       return targetDir; 
      } finally { 

     private static SafeFileHandle OpenReparsePoint(string reparsePoint, EFileAccess accessMode) { 
      SafeFileHandle reparsePointHandle = new SafeFileHandle(CreateFile(reparsePoint, accessMode, 
       EFileShare.Read | EFileShare.Write | EFileShare.Delete, 
       IntPtr.Zero, ECreationDisposition.OpenExisting, 
       EFileAttributes.BackupSemantics | EFileAttributes.OpenReparsePoint, IntPtr.Zero), true); 

      if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() != 0) 
       ThrowLastWin32Error("Unable to open reparse point."); 

      return reparsePointHandle; 

     private static void ThrowLastWin32Error(string message) { 
      throw new IOException(message, Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error())); 
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