2011-03-07 14 views

tengo tres tablas:
productode consultas SQL para generar la matriz como la salida de la consulta de tabla relacionada en SQL Server

ProductID ProductName 
1   Cycle 
2   Scooter 
3   Car 


CustomerID CustomerName 
101   Ronald 
102   Michelle 
103   Armstrong 
104   Schmidt 
105   Peterson 


TID ProductID CustomerID TranDate Amount 
10001 1   101  01-Jan-11 25000.00 
10002 2   101  02-Jan-11 98547.52 
10003 1   102  03-Feb-11 15000.00 
10004 3   102  07-Jan-11 36571.85 
10005 2   105  09-Feb-11 82658.23 
10006 2   104  10-Feb-11 54000.25 
10007 3   103  20-Feb-11 80115.50 
10008 3   104  22-Feb-11 45000.65 

me han escrito una consulta al grupo de las transacciones de esta manera:

SELECT P.ProductName AS Product, 
     C.CustName AS Customer, 
     SUM(T.Amount) AS Amount 
FROM Transactions AS T 
     INNER JOIN Product AS P 
      ON T.ProductID = P.ProductID 
     INNER JOIN Customer AS C 
      ON T.CustomerID = C.CustomerID 
WHERE T.TranDate BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2011-03-31' 

que da el resultado como este:

Product Customer Amount 
Car  Armstrong 80115.50 
Car  Michelle 36571.85 
Car  Schmidt 45000.65 
Cycle Michelle 15000.00 
Cycle Ronald  25000.00 
Scooter Peterson 82658.23 
Scooter Ronald  98547.52 
Scooter Schmidt 54000.25 

necesito resultado de la consulta en forma matricial como esto:

Customer |------------ Amounts ---------------   
Name  |Car  Cycle  Scooter Totals 
Armstrong 80115.50 0.00  0.00  80115.50 
Michelle 36571.85 15000.00 0.00  51571.85 
Ronald  0.00  25000.00 98547.52 123547.52 
Peterson 0.00  0.00  82658.23 82658.23 
Schmidt 45000.65 0.00  54000.25 99000.90 

Ayúdenme a lograr lo anterior r Esult en SQL Server 2005. Usar mulitple views o incluso tablas temporáneas está bien para mí.



Puede utilizar PIVOT operador de SQL Server

      SELECT P.ProductName 
        , C.CustName 
        , T.Amount 
      FROM Transactions AS T 
        INNER JOIN Product AS P ON T.ProductID = P.ProductID 
        INNER JOIN Customer AS C ON T.CustomerID = C.CustomerID 
      WHERE T.TranDate BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2011-03-31' 
     ) s 
PIVOT (SUM(Amount) FOR ProductName IN ([Car], [Cycle], [Scooter])) pvt 

Los datos de prueba

;WITH q AS (
    SELECT [Product] = 'Car', [Customer] = 'Armstrong', [Amount] = 80115.50 
    UNION ALL SELECT 'Car', 'Michelle', 36571.85 
    UNION ALL SELECT 'Car', 'Schmidt', 45000.65 
    UNION ALL SELECT 'Cycle', 'Michelle', 15000.00 
    UNION ALL SELECT 'Cycle', 'Ronald', 25000.00 
    UNION ALL SELECT 'Scooter', 'Peterson', 82658.23 
    UNION ALL SELECT 'Scooter', 'Ronald', 98547.52 
    UNION ALL SELECT 'Scooter', 'Schmidt', 54000.25 
SELECT Customer 
     , Car = ISNULL(Car, 0) 
     , Cycle = ISNULL(Cycle, 0) 
     , Scooter = ISNULL(Scooter, 0) 
     , Total = ISNULL(Car, 0) + ISNULL(Cycle, 0) + ISNULL(Scooter, 0) 
      SELECT * 
      FROM q 
     ) s 
PIVOT (SUM(Amount) FOR Product IN ([Car], [Cycle], [Scooter])) pvt 


Customer Car  Cycle  Scooter Total 
Armstrong 80115.50 0.00  0.00  80115.50 
Michelle 36571.85 15000.00 0.00  51571.85 
Peterson 0.00  0.00  82658.23 82658.23 
Ronald  0.00  25000.00 98547.52 123547.52 
Schmidt 45000.65 0.00  54000.25 99000.90 

muchas gracias por la solución. Mi lista de productos no es estática (el usuario puede agregar productos). A medida que los productos crecen, deben crearse muchas columnas. También los datos son dinámicos. Por favor, modifique la consulta para que pueda consultar los datos dinámicos. – Nagesh


@Nagesh, puede encontrar diferentes implementaciones de pivotamiento dinámico en nuestro propio SO. Eche un vistazo a http://stackoverflow.com/questions/213702/sql-server-2005-pivot-on-unknown-number-of-columns –


¿Es posible lograr esto usando MySQL? – arvindwill

create table #Product (ProductID int,ProductName varchar(15)) 
insert into #Product values (1,'Cycle') 
insert into #Product values (2,'Scooter') 
insert into #Product values (3,'Car') 

create table #Customer (CustomerID int, CustomerName varchar(30)) 
insert into #Customer values (101,'Ronald') 
insert into #Customer values (102,'Michelle') 
insert into #Customer values (103,'Armstrong') 
insert into #Customer values (104,'Schmidt') 
insert into #Customer values (105,'Peterson') 

create table #Transactions (TID int,ProductID int,CustomerID int, TranDate smalldatetime,Amount decimal(18,2)) 
insert into #Transactions values (10001,1,101,'01-Jan-11',25000.00) 
insert into #Transactions values (10002,2,101,'02-Jan-11',98547.52) 
insert into #Transactions values (10003,1,102,'03-Feb-11',15000.00) 
insert into #Transactions values (10004,3,102,'07-Jan-11',36571.85) 
insert into #Transactions values (10005,2,105,'09-Feb-11',82658.23) 
insert into #Transactions values (10006,2,104,'10-Feb-11',54000.25) 
insert into #Transactions values (10007,3,103,'20-Feb-11',80115.50) 
insert into #Transactions values (10008,3,104,'22-Feb-11',45000.65) 

with temp as 
select cus.CustomerName,pro.ProductName, sum(trans.Amount) as Amount from #Transactions as trans 
inner join #Customer as cus on trans.CustomerID = cus.CustomerID 
inner join #Product as pro on trans.ProductID = pro.ProductID 
group by cus.CustomerName,pro.ProductName 

select CustomerName,isnull([Car],0)Car, isnull([Cycle],0)Cycle,isnull([Scooter],0) as Scooter, isnull([Car],0)+isnull([Cycle],0)+isnull([Scooter],0)as Total from temp 
pivot (
sum(Amount) for ProductName in ([Cycle],[Scooter],[Car]) 
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