2011-12-08 7 views

Lo primero es lo primero: no tengo experiencia en programación orientada a objetos, sea cual sea. Creé mi cuota de scripts de VB y un poco de Java en la escuela, pero eso es todo. Entonces mi problema probablemente yazca allí. Sin embargo, en los últimos días, he intentado juntar una pequeña aplicación que me permite buscar, seleccionar e instalar actualizaciones de Windows. Hasta ahora he podido comprender la mayor parte de la referencia y con la ayuda de algunas publicaciones en Internet y ahora estoy en el punto en que puedo seleccionar y descargar actualizaciones.C# y WUAPI: función BeginDownload

Hasta ahora he sido capaz de descargar una colección de cambios utilizando el siguiente código:

UpdateCollection CurrentInstallCollection = (UpdateCollection)e.Argument; 
UpdateDownloader CurrentDownloader = CurrentSession.CreateUpdateDownloader(); 
CurrentDownloader.Updates = CurrentInstallCollection; 

Esto se ejecuta en un trabajador y vuelve fondo una vez que la descarga se realiza. Funciona muy bien, puedo ver las actualizaciones descargadas en el sistema de archivos, pero no hay realmente una manera de mostrar el progreso dentro de la aplicación. Para hacer tal cosa, existe la interfaz IDownloadJob que me permite usar el método .BeginDownload del descargador (UpdateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader) ... al menos creo. : D Y aquí viene el problema: ahora he intentado durante aproximadamente 6 horas para que el código funcione, pero no importa lo que intenté, nada funcionó. Además, no hay mucha información alrededor en el Internet sobre el método .BeginDownload (o al menos eso parece), pero mi llamada del método no funciona:

IDownloadJob CurrentDownloadJob = CurrentDownloader.BeginDownload(); 

no tengo ni idea de lo argumentos para suministrar ... He intentado métodos, objetos ... en vano. El bloque completo de código es el siguiente:

UpdateCollection CurrentInstallCollection = (UpdateCollection)e.Argument; 
UpdateDownloader CurrentDownloader = CurrentSession.CreateUpdateDownloader(); 
CurrentDownloader.Updates = CurrentInstallCollection; 
IDownloadJob CurrentDownloadJob = CurrentDownloader.BeginDownload(); 
IDownloadProgress CurrentJobProgess = CurrentDownloadJob.GetProgress(); 
tbStatus.Text = Convert.ToString(CurrentJobProgess.PercentComplete); 

he encontrado una fuente en el Internet que llama el método con .BeginDownload(this,this,this), que no reporta ningún error en el editor de código, pero probablemente no va a ayudar con la presentación de informes como entiendo, los argumentos proporcionados son los métodos que se invocan cuando ocurre el evento descrito (el progreso ha cambiado o la descarga ha finalizado).

También probé esto, pero no funcionó bien:


Una descripción detallada del método BeginDownload:


Wuapi Referencia:

Lamentablemente, no puedo publicar el enlace, pero el enlace al método BeginDownload va al mismo lugar. :)

Lo sé, es bastante pedir, pero si alguien pudiera señalarme en la dirección correcta (como en qué argumentos para pasar y cómo), sería muy apreciado. :)



agregar una referencia a WUApiLib

public UpdateSession updateSession; 
public ISearchResult searchResult; 

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     //check for updates 
     updateSession = new UpdateSession(); 
     searchResult = updateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher().Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software' and IsHidden=0"); 

     //download updates 
     UpdateDownloader downloader = updateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader(); 
     downloader.Updates = searchResult.Updates; 

     //collect all downloaded updates 
     UpdateCollection updatesToInstall = new UpdateCollection(); 
     foreach (IUpdate update in searchResult.Updates) 
      if (update.IsDownloaded) 

     //install downloaded updates 
     IUpdateInstaller installer = updateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller(); 
     installer.Updates = updatesToInstall; 
     IInstallationResult installationRes = installer.Install(); 

¿Alguien sabe cómo configurar el idioma de las actualizaciones recuperadas? w/.Search ("IsInstalled = 0 AND IsPresent = 0"); Recibo todos los idiomas y casi fui al letón pero pude cancelar. – DukeDidntNukeEm


La API de Windows Update (WU API Lib (WUApiLib)) no está bien documentado en mi opinión. El "Comienzo" asincrónico de todas las tareas de Buscar, Descargar e Instalar se muestran a continuación. Es difícil de entender y desafortunadamente Microsoft no ha dado ninguna muestra de C# Code en esta etapa. Espero poder ayudar con mi pequeña aplicación. El Código podría ser arreglado un poco, simplemente está pirateado en esta etapa, pero cumple su propósito.Necesitará un formulario Windows con cuatro componentes en él:

private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox1; 
private System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker EnableServicesWorker; 
private System.Windows.Forms.Label toolStripStatusLabel2; 
private System.Windows.Forms.Label toolStripStatusLabel1; 

mi código impliments todas las propiedades asincrónicos del proceso de buscar, descargar e instalar actualizaciones desde el sitio web de Microsoft (Lo siento su larga):

using System; 
using WUApiLib; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.ServiceProcess; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 

namespace Windows_Update_Automation 
public partial class Form1 : Form 
public UpdateSession UpdateSession; 

#region <------- Search Section -------> 

public IUpdateSearcher iUpdateSearcher; 

public ISearchJob iSearchJob; 

public UpdateCollection NewUpdatesCollection; 

public ISearchResult NewUpdatesSearchResult; 

#endregion <------- Search Section -------> 

#region <------- Downloader Section -------> 

public IUpdateDownloader iUpdateDownloader; 

public IDownloadJob iDownloadJob; 

public IDownloadResult iDownloadResult; 

#endregion <------- Downloader Section -------> 

#region <------- Installer Section -------> 

public IUpdateInstaller iUpdateInstaller; 

public IInstallationJob iInstallationJob; 

public IInstallationResult iInstallationResult; 

#endregion <------- Installer Section -------> 

// Declare a Delegate Type for Message Notification... 
public delegate void SendNotification(); 

// Create an Instance of Delegate Type... 
public SendNotification sendNotification; 

private int count = 0; 

public int Count 
get { return count; } 
set { count = value; } 

public Form1() 

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
// Show - or Hide... 

// Encapsulate the setTextBox1 Method in Delegate SendNotification... 
sendNotification = new SendNotification(setTextBox1); 

// Set Text Box Value... 
this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Enabling Update Services..."; 

// Set Text Box Value... 
this.toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = ""; 

// Lets check Windows is up to that task... 

private void EnableServicesWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) 
// Get Services Collection... 
ServiceController[] serviceController; 
serviceController = ServiceController.GetServices(); 

// Loop through and check for a particular Service... 
foreach (ServiceController scTemp in serviceController) 
switch (scTemp.DisplayName) 
case "Windows Update": 
RestartService(scTemp.DisplayName, 5000); 
case "Automatic Updates": 
RestartService(scTemp.DisplayName, 5000); 

// Check for iAutomaticUpdates.ServiceEnabled... 
IAutomaticUpdates iAutomaticUpdates = new AutomaticUpdates(); 
if (!iAutomaticUpdates.ServiceEnabled) 

private void EnableServicesWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) 
this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Searching for updates..."; 


public static void RestartService(string serviceName, int timeoutMilliseconds) 
ServiceController serviceController = new ServiceController(serviceName); 
int millisec1 = Environment.TickCount; 
TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeoutMilliseconds); 

serviceController.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped, timeout); 

// count the rest of the timeout 
int millisec2 = Environment.TickCount; 
timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeoutMilliseconds - (millisec2 - millisec1)); 

serviceController.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Running, timeout); 
// ... 

#region <------- Search Methods -------> 

private void iUpdateSearch() 
UpdateSession = new UpdateSession(); 
iUpdateSearcher = UpdateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher(); 

// Only Check Online.. 
iUpdateSearcher.Online = true; 

// Begin Asynchronous IUpdateSearcher... 
iSearchJob = iUpdateSearcher.BeginSearch("IsInstalled=0 AND IsPresent=0", new iUpdateSearcher_onCompleted(this), new iUpdateSearcher_state(this)); 

private void iUpdateSearchComplete(Form1 mainform) 
Form1 formRef = mainform; 

// Declare a new UpdateCollection and populate the result... 
NewUpdatesCollection = new UpdateCollection(); 
NewUpdatesSearchResult = iUpdateSearcher.EndSearch(iSearchJob); 

Count = NewUpdatesSearchResult.Updates.Count; 

// Accept Eula code for each update 
for (int i = 0; i < NewUpdatesSearchResult.Updates.Count; i++) 
IUpdate iUpdate = NewUpdatesSearchResult.Updates[i]; 

if (iUpdate.EulaAccepted == false) 


foreach (IUpdate update in NewUpdatesSearchResult.Updates) 
textBox1.AppendText(update.Title + Environment.NewLine); 

if (NewUpdatesSearchResult.Updates.Count > 0) 

#endregion <------- Search Methods -------> 

#region <------- Downloader Methods -------> 

private void iUpdateDownload() 
UpdateSession = new UpdateSession(); 
iUpdateDownloader = UpdateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader(); 

iUpdateDownloader.Updates = NewUpdatesCollection; 
iUpdateDownloader.Priority = DownloadPriority.dpHigh; 
iDownloadJob = iUpdateDownloader.BeginDownload(new iUpdateDownloader_onProgressChanged(this), new iUpdateDownloader_onCompleted(this), new iUpdateDownloader_state(this)); 

public void iDownloadComplete() 
iDownloadResult = iUpdateDownloader.EndDownload(iDownloadJob); 
if (iDownloadResult.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcSucceeded) 
this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Installing Updates..."; 

string message = "The Download has failed: " + iDownloadResult.ResultCode + ". Please check your  internet connection then Re-Start the application."; 
string caption = "Download Failed!"; 
MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK; 
MessageBoxIcon icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; 
MessageBox.Show(message, caption, buttons, icon); 


#endregion <------- Downloader Methods -------> 

#region <------- Installation Methods -------> 

public void iInstallation() 
iUpdateInstaller = UpdateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller() as IUpdateInstaller; 
iUpdateInstaller.Updates = this.NewUpdatesCollection; 

iInstallationJob = iUpdateInstaller.BeginInstall(new iUpdateInstaller_onProgressChanged(this), new iUpdateInstaller_onCompleted(this), new iUpdateInstaller_state(this)); 

public void iInstallationComplete() 
iInstallationResult = iUpdateInstaller.EndInstall(iInstallationJob); 
if (iInstallationResult.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcSucceeded) 
this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Installation Complete..."; 
string message = "The Installation has failed: " + iInstallationResult.ResultCode + "."; 
string caption = "DownInstallationload Failed!"; 
MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK; 
MessageBoxIcon icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; 
MessageBox.Show(message, caption, buttons, icon); 


#endregion <------- Installation Methods -------> 

#region <------- Notification Methods -------> 

public void setTextBox1() 
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = Count + " Updates found..."; 

public void setTextBox1Notification(string txt) 
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = txt; 

public void setTextBox2Notification(string txt) 
toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = txt; 

#endregion <------- Notification Methods -------> 

#region <------- iUpdateSearcher.BeginDownload Object Abstract Class's -------> 
// onCompleted [in] 
// An ISearchCompletedCallback interface that is called when an asynchronous search operation is complete. 
public class iUpdateSearcher_onCompleted : ISearchCompletedCallback 
private Form1 form1; 

public iUpdateSearcher_onCompleted(Form1 mainForm) 
this.form1 = mainForm; 

// Implementation of IDownloadCompletedCallback interface... 
public void Invoke(ISearchJob searchJob, ISearchCompletedCallbackArgs e) 

// state [in] 
// The caller-specific state that is returned by the AsyncState property of the ISearchJob interface. 
public class iUpdateSearcher_state 
private Form1 form1; 

// Implementation of state interface... 
public iUpdateSearcher_state(Form1 mainForm) 
this.form1 = mainForm; 

form1.setTextBox2Notification("State: Search Started..."); 

#endregion <------- iUpdateSearcher.BeginDownload Object Abstract Class's -------> 

#region <------- iUpdateDownloader.BeginDownload Object Abstract Class's -------> 
// onProgressChanged [in] 
// An IDownloadProgressChangedCallback interface that is called periodically for download progress changes before download is complete. 
public class iUpdateDownloader_onProgressChanged : IDownloadProgressChangedCallback 
private Form1 form1; 

public iUpdateDownloader_onProgressChanged(Form1 mainForm) 
this.form1 = mainForm; 

// Implementation of IDownloadProgressChangedCallback interface... 
public void Invoke(IDownloadJob downloadJob, IDownloadProgressChangedCallbackArgs e) 

decimal bDownloaded = ((e.Progress.TotalBytesDownloaded/1024)/1024); 
decimal bToDownloaded = ((e.Progress.TotalBytesToDownload/1024)/1024); 
bDownloaded = decimal.Round(bDownloaded, 2); 
bToDownloaded = decimal.Round(bToDownloaded, 2); 

form1.setTextBox1Notification("Downloading Update: " 
+ e.Progress.CurrentUpdateIndex 
+ "/" 
+ downloadJob.Updates.Count 
+ " - " 
+ bDownloaded + "Mb" 
+ "/" 
+ bToDownloaded + "Mb"); 

// onCompleted [in] 
// An IDownloadCompletedCallback interface (C++/COM) that is called when an asynchronous download operation is complete. 
public class iUpdateDownloader_onCompleted : IDownloadCompletedCallback 
private Form1 form1; 

public iUpdateDownloader_onCompleted(Form1 mainForm) 
this.form1 = mainForm; 

// Implementation of IDownloadCompletedCallback interface... 
public void Invoke(IDownloadJob downloadJob, IDownloadCompletedCallbackArgs e) 

// state [in] 
// The caller-specific state that the AsyncState property of the IDownloadJob interface returns. 
// A caller may use this parameter to attach a value to the download job object. 
// This allows the caller to retrieve custom information about that download job object at a later time. 
public class iUpdateDownloader_state 
private Form1 form1; 

// Implementation of state interface... 
public iUpdateDownloader_state(Form1 mainForm) 
this.form1 = mainForm; 

form1.setTextBox2Notification("State: Download Started..."); 

#endregion <------- iUpdateDownloader.BeginDownload Objects -------> 

#region <------- iUpdateInstaller.BeginInstall Object Abstract Class's -------> 
// onProgressChanged [in] 
// An IDownloadProgressChangedCallback interface that is called periodically for download progress changes before download is complete. 
public class iUpdateInstaller_onProgressChanged : IInstallationProgressChangedCallback 
private Form1 form1; 

public iUpdateInstaller_onProgressChanged(Form1 mainForm) 
this.form1 = mainForm; 

// Implementation of IDownloadProgressChangedCallback interface... 
public void Invoke(IInstallationJob iInstallationJob, IInstallationProgressChangedCallbackArgs e) 
form1.setTextBox1Notification("Installing Update: " 
+ e.Progress.CurrentUpdateIndex 
+ "/" 
+ iInstallationJob.Updates.Count 
+ " - " 
+ e.Progress.CurrentUpdatePercentComplete + "% Complete"); 

// onCompleted [in] 
// An IDownloadCompletedCallback interface (C++/COM) that is called when an asynchronous download operation is complete. 
public class iUpdateInstaller_onCompleted : IInstallationCompletedCallback 
private Form1 form1; 

public iUpdateInstaller_onCompleted(Form1 mainForm) 
this.form1 = mainForm; 

// Implementation of IDownloadCompletedCallback interface... 
public void Invoke(IInstallationJob iInstallationJob, IInstallationCompletedCallbackArgs e) 

// state [in] 
// The caller-specific state that the AsyncState property of the IDownloadJob interface returns. 
// A caller may use this parameter to attach a value to the download job object. 
// This allows the caller to retrieve custom information about that download job object at a later time. 
public class iUpdateInstaller_state 
private Form1 form1; 

// Implementation of state interface... 
public iUpdateInstaller_state(Form1 mainForm) 
this.form1 = mainForm; 

form1.setTextBox2Notification("State: Installation Started..."); 

#endregion <------- iUpdateInstaller.BeginInstall Objects -------> 
