2011-09-27 23 views

Hola, necesito obtener el alto y el ancho sobre la marcha de una imagen cargada.Obtener la altura y el ancho de la imagen PHP

Ésta es la función PHP que estoy usando, pero no devuelve nada para el ancho y la altura ..

¿Me podría ayudar?

list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES["Artwork"]); 
$min_width = "1000"; 
$min_height = "1000"; 
if ((($_FILES["Artwork"]["type"] == "image/gif") || ($_FILES["Artwork"]["type"] == "image/jpeg") || ($_FILES["Artwork"]["type"] == "image/jpg") 
|| ($_FILES["Artwork"]["type"] == "image/pjpeg")) && ($_FILES["Artwork"]["size"] < 20000000) && ($width > $min_width) && ($height > $min_height) && ($width == $height)) 

    if ($_FILES["Artwork"]["error"] > 0) 
    //echo "Return Code: " . $_FILES["Artwork"]["error"] . "<br />"; 

     $path_image . $imageName); 
     header("Location: http://pitchmystuff.co.uk/m/digidist/tracks/".$idAlbum.""); 

    //echo "invalid file"; 

    echo '<script> 
    alert("There was an error uploading your coverart file. Please check the requirements and try again.'.$width.$height.'"); 
    document.location ="http://pitchmystuff.co.uk/m/digidist/albums/"; 


'getimagesize()' es el ticket. Simplemente no está usando la variable correcta como parámetro. Debería haber un mensaje de error a tal efecto: active el informe de errores para verlo. –


posible duplicado de [Obtener la altura y el ancho de la imagen como valores enteros?] (Http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2179100/get-image-height-and-width-as-integer-values) –


/*$size = getimagesize("http://heartbeatperformance.com.p9.hostingprod.com/customerphotos/photoes/51HDE3cnl2L.jpg"); 

list($width, $height) = $size; 
echo "width: $width<br />height: $height";*/ 

$testing = "http://heartbeatperformance.com.p9.hostingprod.com/customerphotos/img/logo.png"; 
//echo $testing; 
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($testing); 
echo "Image width " . $width; 
echo "Image height " . $height; 


$imagedetails = getimagesize($_FILES['Artwork']['tmp_name']); 
$width = $imagedetails[0]; 
$height = $imagedetails[1]; 


$DOCS_NAME = $_FILES['DOCS']['name']; 
$DOCS_SIZE = getimagesize($_FILES['DOCS']['tmp_name']); 
$DOCS  = file_get_contents ($_FILES['DOCS']['tmp_name']); 
$FILE_SIZE = $_FILES["DOCS"]["size"]; 
$FILE_TYPE = $_FILES["DOCS"]["type"]; 

echo 'Width  = '.$DOCS_SIZE[0]. "<br />"; 
echo 'Height = '.$DOCS_SIZE[1]. "<br />";; 
echo '2   = '.$DOCS_SIZE[2]. "<br />";; 
echo '3   = '.$DOCS_SIZE[3]. "<br />";; 
echo 'bits  = '.$DOCS_SIZE['bits']. "<br />";; 
echo 'channels = '.$DOCS_SIZE['channels']. "<br />";; 
echo 'mime  = '.$DOCS_SIZE['mime']. "<br />"; 
echo 'type  = '.$_FILES["DOCS"]["type"]. "<br />"; 
echo 'size  = '.$_FILES["DOCS"]["size"]. "<br />"; 
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