2011-03-28 15 views

Mis tareas de rake para ejecutar las pruebas de Cucumber y RSpec siempre utilizan mi entorno development.rake pepino y rastrillo espec siempre utilizar el entorno "desarrollar"

Éstos son los archivos de configuración relevantes:


# Edit at your own peril - it's recommended to regenerate this file 
# in the future when you upgrade to a newer version of Cucumber. 

# IMPORTANT: Setting config.cache_classes to false is known to 
# break Cucumber's use_transactional_fixtures method. 
# For more information see https://rspec.lighthouseapp.com/projects/16211/tickets/165 
config.cache_classes = true 

# Log error messages when you accidentally call methods on nil. 
config.whiny_nils = true 

# Show full error reports and disable caching 
config.action_controller.consider_all_requests_local = true 
config.action_controller.perform_caching    = false 

# Disable request forgery protection in test environment 
config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false 

# Tell Action Mailer not to deliver emails to the real world. 
# The :test delivery method accumulates sent emails in the 
# ActionMailer::Base.deliveries array. 
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test 

# config.gem 'cucumber-rails', :lib => false, :version => '>=0.3.2' unless File.directory?(File.join(Rails.root, 'vendor/plugins/cucumber-rails')) 
# config.gem 'database_cleaner', :lib => false, :version => '>=0.5.0' unless File.directory?(File.join(Rails.root, 'vendor/plugins/database_cleaner')) 
# config.gem 'capybara',   :lib => false, :version => '>=0.3.5' unless File.directory?(File.join(Rails.root, 'vendor/plugins/capybara')) 
# config.gem 'rspec',   :lib => false, :version => '>=1.3.0' unless File.directory?(File.join(Rails.root, 'vendor/plugins/rspec')) 
# config.gem 'rspec-rails',  :lib => false, :version => '>=1.3.2' unless File.directory?(File.join(Rails.root, 'vendor/plugins/rspec-rails')) 


# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/environment.rb 

# The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's 
# test suite. You never need to work with it otherwise. Remember that 
# your test database is "scratch space" for the test suite and is wiped 
# and recreated between test runs. Don't rely on the data there! 
config.cache_classes = true 

# Log error messages when you accidentally call methods on nil. 
config.whiny_nils = true 

# Show full error reports and disable caching 
config.action_controller.consider_all_requests_local = true 
config.action_controller.perform_caching    = false 

# Configure memcached 
config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store, [FA_MEMCACHED_SERVER, FA_MEMCACHED_PORT].join(':'), { :namespace => Rails.env.to_s } 

# Disable request forgery protection in test environment 
config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false 

# Tell ActionMailer not to deliver emails to the real world. 
# The :test delivery method accumulates sent emails in the 
# ActionMailer::Base.deliveries array. 
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test 
config.log_level = :debug 


# IMPORTANT: This file is generated by cucumber-rails - edit at your own peril. 
# It is recommended to regenerate this file in the future when you upgrade to a 
# newer version of cucumber-rails. Consider adding your own code to a new file 
# instead of editing this one. Cucumber will automatically load all features/**/*.rb 
# files. 

ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "cucumber" 
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../config/environment') 

require 'cucumber/formatter/unicode' # Remove this line if you don't want Cucumber Unicode support 
require 'cucumber/rails/rspec' 
require 'cucumber/rails/world' 
require 'cucumber/rails/active_record' 
require 'cucumber/web/tableish' 

# allows checking outgoing email existant and content 
require 'email_spec' 
require 'email_spec/cucumber' 

require 'capybara/rails' 
require 'capybara/cucumber' 
require 'capybara/session' 
require 'cucumber/rails/capybara_javascript_emulation' # Lets you click links with onclick javascript handlers without using @culerity or @javascript 
# Capybara defaults to XPath selectors rather than Webrat's default of CSS3. In 
# order to ease the transition to Capybara we set the default here. If you'd 
# prefer to use XPath just remove this line and adjust any selectors in your 
# steps to use the XPath syntax. 
Capybara.default_selector = :css 

# If you set this to false, any error raised from within your app will bubble 
# up to your step definition and out to cucumber unless you catch it somewhere 
# on the way. You can make Rails rescue errors and render error pages on a 
# per-scenario basis by tagging a scenario or feature with the @allow-rescue tag. 
# If you set this to true, Rails will rescue all errors and render error 
# pages, more or less in the same way your application would behave in the 
# default production environment. It's not recommended to do this for all 
# of your scenarios, as this makes it hard to discover errors in your application. 
ActionController::Base.allow_rescue = false 

# If you set this to true, each scenario will run in a database transaction. 
# You can still turn off transactions on a per-scenario basis, simply tagging 
# a feature or scenario with the @no-txn tag. If you are using Capybara, 
# tagging with @culerity or @javascript will also turn transactions off. 
# If you set this to false, transactions will be off for all scenarios, 
# regardless of whether you use @no-txn or not. 
# Beware that turning transactions off will leave data in your database 
# after each scenario, which can lead to hard-to-debug failures in 
# subsequent scenarios. If you do this, we recommend you create a Before 
# block that will explicitly put your database in a known state. 
Cucumber::Rails::World.use_transactional_fixtures = true 

# How to clean your database when transactions are turned off. See 
# http://github.com/bmabey/database_cleaner for more info. 
if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) 
    require 'database_cleaner' 
    require 'database_cleaner/cucumber' 
    DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation, {:except => %w[roles]} 
    rescue LoadError => ignore_if_database_cleaner_not_present 


# This file is copied to ~/spec when you run 'ruby script/generate rspec' 
# from the project root directory. 
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = 'test' 
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','config','environment')) 
require 'spec/autorun' 
require 'spec/rails' 

# Uncomment the next line to use webrat's matchers 
#require 'webrat/integrations/rspec-rails' 

# Requires supporting files with custom matchers and macros, etc, 
# in ./support/ and its subdirectories. 
Dir[File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'support','**','*.rb'))].each {|f| require f} 

Spec::Runner.configure do |config| 
    # If you're not using ActiveRecord you should remove these 
    # lines, delete config/database.yml and disable :active_record 
    # in your config/boot.rb 
    config.use_transactional_fixtures = true 
    config.use_instantiated_fixtures = false 
    config.fixture_path = RAILS_ROOT + '/spec/fixtures/' 

    # == Fixtures 
    # You can declare fixtures for each example_group like this: 
    # describe "...." do 
    #  fixtures :table_a, :table_b 
    # Alternatively, if you prefer to declare them only once, you can 
    # do so right here. Just uncomment the next line and replace the fixture 
    # names with your fixtures. 
    # config.global_fixtures = :table_a, :table_b 
    # If you declare global fixtures, be aware that they will be declared 
    # for all of your examples, even those that don't use them. 
    # You can also declare which fixtures to use (for example fixtures for test/fixtures): 
    # config.fixture_path = RAILS_ROOT + '/spec/fixtures/' 
    # == Mock Framework 
    # RSpec uses its own mocking framework by default. If you prefer to 
    # use mocha, flexmock or RR, uncomment the appropriate line: 
    # config.mock_with :mocha 
    # config.mock_with :flexmock 
    # config.mock_with :rr 
    # == Notes 
    # For more information take a look at Spec::Runner::Configuration and Spec::Runner 


group :test, :cucumber do 
    gem "cucumber-rails", "0.3.2" 
    gem "rspec-rails", "1.3.3" 
    gem "database_cleaner", "0.5.0" 
    gem "capybara", "0.3.9" 
    gem "selenium-client", "1.2.18" 
    gem "sqlite3-ruby", "1.3.1" 
    gem "email_spec", "~> 0.6.3", :require => 'spec' 
    gem "factory_girl" 
    gem "launchy" 

group :development do 
    gem "factory_girl" 
    gem "ruby-prof" 




hacer: añadir específicas de prueba de sólo gemas para este grupo:

group :test do 
    gem 'cucumber-rails' 
    gem 'capybara' 
    gem 'database_cleaner' 

En lugar de establecer que ser utilizado en el desarrollo y en todas partes e lse también Esto debería funcionar.

P.S: edite el código de arriba para establecer las gemas que va a utilizar para su prueba, solo copio/pegué las que estoy usando en el proyecto que actualmente tengo abierto como ejemplo.


He actualizado mi Gemfile y he actualizado la pregunta anterior. Todavía estoy teniendo el mismo problema sin embargo. – jaredonline


mismo aquí, ¿algún éxito con eso? – giladbu


Cuando se actualizó a Rails 3, ¿acaso hizo un descubrimiento global y lo reemplazó en RAILS_ENV?

¿Es la primera línea de test_helper.rb algo más que esto?

ENV [ "RAILS_ENV"] = "prueba"

En las variables de entorno actuales, debería seguir siendo RAILS_ENV, no :: Rails.env, así que asegúrese de que usted no tiene ENV [ "rieles. env "] =" prueba "para esa línea de código.

Asegúrate de que luce como solía hacerlo. No es que yo sepa por haber cometido este error personalmente ... :-)


Me aseguraré de tener esto en cuenta cuando actualice a Rails 3, pero esto es en realidad Rails 2.3.9 \ = – jaredonline


Gracias, eso es exactamente lo que sucedió en el proyecto en el que estoy trabajando – antinome


No solo los archivos de configuración son relevantes para configurar el entorno de los rieles.

Compruebe su archivo lib/tasks/cucumber.rake y si no lo contiene ya añadir una de las siguientes líneas a ella según la versión de los carriles (añadí después de 'empezar' línea):

ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'cucumber' #for rails2 

Rails.env ||= ActiveSupport::StringInquirer.new('cucumber') #for rails3 

en cuenta que una si configura el entorno para el desarrollo en application.rb directamente, por ejemplo, sus pruebas se ejecutarán en desarrollo.

También hay otra manera de configurar el entorno para el pepino. Si está utilizando raíles con Passenger y Apache, por ejemplo, entonces es posible ejecutar la prueba de pepino en el entorno pepino agregando la línea "RailsEnv cucumber" a su configuración de host virtual.

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