2010-03-08 19 views

Digamos que tengo un gran archivo de especificaciones con 20 pruebas porque estoy probando un modelo grande y no tenía otra forma de hacerlo:¿Cómo ejecutar solo el último/una prueba dada usando Rspec?

describe Blah 
    it "should do X" do ... end 
    it "should do Y" do ... end 
    it "should do Z" do ... end 

Ejecución de un solo archivo es más rápido que correr todo el conjunto de pruebas , pero aún es bastante largo. ¿Hay alguna manera de ejecutar el último (es decir, el que está al final del archivo, aquí "debería hacer Z")?

Si esto no es posible, ¿hay alguna manera de especificar qué prueba quiero ejecutar en mi archivo?



La especificación se puede ejecutar por archivo o por definición.

Usage: spec (FILE(:LINE)?|DIRECTORY|GLOB)+ [options] 

Prácticamente, puede ser así. Ejecute la definición (identifique la fila de la última) en este archivo de especificación.

spec spec/models/customer_spec.rb:25 

sintaxis completa se puede comprobar 'spec' en el directorio raíz rieles.

Usage: spec (FILE(:LINE)?|DIRECTORY|GLOB)+ [options] 

-p, --pattern [PATTERN]   Limit files loaded to those matching this pattern. Defaults to '**/*_spec.rb' 
           Separate multiple patterns with commas. 
           Applies only to directories named on the command line (files 
           named explicitly on the command line will be loaded regardless). 
-D, --diff [FORMAT]    Show diff of objects that are expected to be equal when they are not 
           Builtin formats: unified|u|context|c 
           You can also specify a custom differ class 
           (in which case you should also specify --require) 
-c, --colour, --color   Show coloured (red/green) output 
-e, --example [NAME|FILE_NAME] Execute example(s) with matching name(s). If the argument is 
           the path to an existing file (typically generated by a previous 
           run using --format failing_examples:file.txt), then the examples 
           on each line of that file will be executed. If the file is empty, 
           all examples will be run (as if --example was not specified). 

           If the argument is not an existing file, then it is treated as 
           an example name directly, causing RSpec to run just the example 
           matching that name 
-s, --specification [NAME]  DEPRECATED - use -e instead 
           (This will be removed when autotest works with -e) 
-l, --line LINE_NUMBER   Execute example group or example at given line. 
           (does not work for dynamically generated examples) 
-f, --format FORMAT[:WHERE]  Specifies what format to use for output. Specify WHERE to tell 
           the formatter where to write the output. All built-in formats 
           expect WHERE to be a file name, and will write to $stdout if it's 
           not specified. The --format option may be specified several times 
           if you want several outputs 

           Builtin formats: 
           silent|l     : No output 
           progress|p    : Text-based progress bar 
           profile|o    : Text-based progress bar with profiling of 10 slowest examples 
           specdoc|s    : Code example doc strings 
           nested|n     : Code example doc strings with nested groups indented 
           html|h     : A nice HTML report 
           failing_examples|e  : Write all failing examples - input for --example 
           failing_example_groups|g : Write all failing example groups - input for --example 

           FORMAT can also be the name of a custom formatter class 
           (in which case you should also specify --require to load it) 
-r, --require FILE    Require FILE before running specs 
           Useful for loading custom formatters or other extensions. 
           If this option is used it must come before the others 
-b, --backtrace     Output full backtrace 
-L, --loadby STRATEGY   Specify the strategy by which spec files should be loaded. 
           STRATEGY can currently only be 'mtime' (File modification time) 
           By default, spec files are loaded in alphabetical order if --loadby 
           is not specified. 
-R, --reverse     Run examples in reverse order 
-t, --timeout FLOAT    Interrupt and fail each example that doesn't complete in the 
           specified time 
-H, --heckle CODE    If all examples pass, this will mutate the classes and methods 
           identified by CODE little by little and run all the examples again 
           for each mutation. The intent is that for each mutation, at least 
           one example *should* fail, and RSpec will tell you if this is not the 
           case. CODE should be either Some::Module, Some::Class or 
-d, --dry-run     Invokes formatters without executing the examples. 
-O, --options PATH    Read options from a file 
-G, --generate-options PATH  Generate an options file for --options 
-U, --runner RUNNER    Use a custom Runner. 
-u, --debugger     Enable ruby-debugging. 
-X, --drb      Run examples via DRb. (For example against script/spec_server) 
    --port PORT     Port for DRb server. (Ignored without --drb) 
-v, --version     Show version 
-h, --help      You're looking at it 

Gracias por la respuesta, pero ¿eso no se saltará antes (: cada uno) y cosas por el estilo? – marcgg


No. Básicamente significa "ejecutar el escenario en esa línea". Obviamente, el entorno se cargará, la función se cargará, Background, etc. se cargará y luego ejecutará el escenario. – ramonrails


lo siento, me tomó un tiempo, pero finalmente pude probarlo y funciona bien – marcgg

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