2010-03-03 11 views

¿Cómo puedo encontrar todos los navegadores y sus detalles que están instalados en una máquina?Cómo encontrar todos los navegadores instalados en una máquina


Lo ángulo de donde vienes, aw Indows formas de la aplicación? –


Estoy buscando hacer una biblioteca que pueda hacer esto, una aplicación de consola haría –


Parece que tiene una buena respuesta a continuación en las plataformas de Windows. En el lado no Windows, construiría una secuencia de comandos de shell Bourne de mínimo denominador común que verificaría el tipo/distribución de SO, verificaría los administradores de paquetes asociados, verificaría los binarios de los sistemas de archivos, etc. Sería bueno simplemente haga que elimine su script de un sitio remoto, pero no está garantizado en muchas plataformas Unix. –



Una rápida búsqueda en Google me dio Finding All Installed Browsers in Windows XP and Vista

En la aplicación que he estado trabajando, tenía que encontrar todos los navegadores que están instalados en la máquina del usuario. La mejor manera de hacerlo es buscar en el registro en HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Clients \ StartMenuInternet. Aquí es donde se les pide a los fabricantes de navegadores que pongan su información, según this MSDN article.


Para mí, una búsqueda rápida en Google me dio esta publicación ;-) ¡Gracias por publicar! +1 –


+1, gran respuesta! – rikpg


... Pero aquí hay un error: apunte: en 64 bits, las claves se escriben en HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ WOW6432Node \ Clients \ StartMenuInternet. – SepehrM


Escanee el contenido de la carpeta Archivos de programa para ver los nombres de los archivos ejecutables conocidos del navegador.


+1 porque es una opción, y recuerde también escanear archivos de programa de 64 bits. –


Esta solución parece funcionar para mí:

RegistryKey browserKeys; 
//on 64bit the browsers are in a different location 
browserKeys = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Clients\StartMenuInternet"); 
if (browserKeys == null) 
    browserKeys = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet"); 
    string[] browserNames = browserKeys.GetSubKeyNames(); 

Disfrute de codificación! Chagbert.


Una respuesta corta:

using (RegistryKey hklm = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32)) 
    RegistryKey webClientsRootKey = hklm.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet"); 
    if (webClientsRootKey != null) 
     foreach (var subKeyName in webClientsRootKey.GetSubKeyNames()) 
      if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName) != null) 
       if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell") != null) 
        if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell").OpenSubKey("open") != null) 
         if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell").OpenSubKey("open").OpenSubKey("command") != null) 
          string commandLineUri = (string)webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell").OpenSubKey("open").OpenSubKey("command").GetValue(null); 
          //your turn 

ejemplo simple de una aplicación (WPF) para poner en marcha todos los navegadores instalados:


using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Controls; 
using System.Windows.Data; 
using System.Windows.Documents; 
using System.Windows.Input; 
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; 
using System.Windows.Navigation; 
using System.Windows.Shapes; 
using Microsoft.Win32; 

namespace WpfApplication94 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml 
    /// </summary> 
    public partial class MainWindow : Window 
     public MainWindow() 

      List<ViewerApplication> viewers = new List<ViewerApplication>(); 
      using (RegistryKey hklm = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32)) 
       RegistryKey webClientsRootKey = hklm.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet"); 
       if (webClientsRootKey != null) 
        foreach (var subKeyName in webClientsRootKey.GetSubKeyNames()) 
         if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName) != null) 
          if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell") != null) 
           if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell").OpenSubKey("open") != null) 
            if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell").OpenSubKey("open").OpenSubKey("command") != null) 
             string commandLineUri = (string)webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell").OpenSubKey("open").OpenSubKey("command").GetValue(null); 
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandLineUri)) 
             commandLineUri = commandLineUri.Trim("\"".ToCharArray()); 
             ViewerApplication viewer = new ViewerApplication(); 
             viewer.Executable = commandLineUri; 
             viewer.Name = (string)webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).GetValue(null); 
      this.listView.ItemsSource = viewers; 

     private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
      Process.Start(((sender as Control).Tag as ViewerApplication).Executable, @"http://news.google.de"); 

    public class ViewerApplication 
     public string Name { get; set; } 
     public string Executable { get; set; } 
     public Icon Icon 
      get { return System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(this.Executable); } 
     public ImageSource ImageSource 
       ImageSource imageSource; 
       using (Bitmap bmp = Icon.ToBitmap()) 
        var stream = new MemoryStream(); 
        bmp.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); 
        imageSource = BitmapFrame.Create(stream); 
       return imageSource; 


<Window x:Class="WpfApplication94.MainWindow" 
     Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525"> 
     <ListView x:Name="listView"> 
        <Button Tag="{Binding}" Click="Button_Click"> 
         <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> 
          <Image Source="{Binding ImageSource}" /> 
          <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" /> 


enter image description here


Necromancing, ya que las respuestas aportadas son incompletas.



no va a conseguir que todos los navegadores.

Si se encuentra en un entorno corporativo, el usuario no tendrá derechos de administrador. Si Google-Chrome y/o Chromium están instalados de esa manera (no sé si FF funciona así), entonces la clave solo estará en HK_Current_User.

Además, esto no cubre sistemas operativos que no sean Windows. Necesitará un código elaborado para determinar y cubrir todo el sistema de administración de paquetes en los sistemas Linux + Mac.

Aquí código para Linuces

basadas en Debian de Windows +


using System.Diagnostics; 

namespace PlatformInfo 

    public delegate int BrowserRatingCallback_t(string packageName); 

    public class BrowserInfo : System.IComparable<BrowserInfo> 
     public string Name; 
     public string Path; 
     public int Preference; 

     public int CompareTo(BrowserInfo other) 
      if (this == null || other == null) 
       return 0; 

      int pref = this.Preference.CompareTo(other.Preference); 

      if (pref != 0) 
       return pref; 

      return string.Compare(this.Name, other.Name, true); 
     } // End Function CompareTo 

     public static int DefaultBrowserRating(string packageName) 
      if (EmbeddedWebServer.StringHelpers.Contains(packageName, "Google")) return 1; 
      if (EmbeddedWebServer.StringHelpers.Contains(packageName, "Chromium")) return 2; 
      if (EmbeddedWebServer.StringHelpers.Contains(packageName, "Opera")) return 3; 
      if (EmbeddedWebServer.StringHelpers.Contains(packageName, "Firefox")) return 4; 
      if (EmbeddedWebServer.StringHelpers.Contains(packageName, "Midori")) return 5; 
      if (EmbeddedWebServer.StringHelpers.Contains(packageName, "Safari")) return 9000; 
      if (EmbeddedWebServer.StringHelpers.Contains(packageName, "Edge")) return 9998; 
      if (EmbeddedWebServer.StringHelpers.Contains(packageName, "Explorer")) return 9999; 

      return 9997; 

     public static System.Collections.Generic.List<BrowserInfo> GetPreferableBrowser() 
      return GetPreferableBrowser(BrowserInfo.DefaultBrowserRating); 

     public static System.Collections.Generic.List<BrowserInfo> GetPreferableBrowser(BrowserRatingCallback_t browserRatingCallback) 
      if (System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform != System.PlatformID.Unix) 
       return Win.GetPreferableBrowser(browserRatingCallback); 
      // ELSE: Linux/Unix/MacOS 

      if (DistroInfo.PackageManager == DistroInfo.PackageManager_t.dpkg) 
       return dpkg.GetInstalledBrowsers(browserRatingCallback); 

      return new System.Collections.Generic.List<BrowserInfo>(); 

    } // End Class BrowserInfo : System.IComparable<BrowserInfo> 

    public class DistroInfo 

     public enum Distro_t : int 







     } // End Enum Distro_t 

     public enum PackageManager_t : int 
     } // End Enum PackageManager_t 

     public enum DistroFamily_t : int 
      Debian, RedHat, Unknown 
     } // End Enum DistroFamily_t 

     public static DistroFamily_t DistroFamily 
      get { 

       if (Distro == Distro_t.Ubuntu) 
        return DistroFamily_t.Debian; 

       if (Distro == Distro_t.Debian) 
        return DistroFamily_t.Debian; 

       if (Distro == Distro_t.Mint) 
        return DistroFamily_t.Debian; 

       if (Distro == Distro_t.RedHat) 
        return DistroFamily_t.RedHat; 

       if (Distro == Distro_t.CentOS) 
        return DistroFamily_t.RedHat; 

       if (Distro == Distro_t.Fedora) 
        return DistroFamily_t.RedHat; 

       if (Distro == Distro_t.Suse) 
        return DistroFamily_t.RedHat; 

       if (Distro == Distro_t.Mageia) 
        return DistroFamily_t.RedHat; 

       if (Distro == Distro_t.Mandrake) 
        return DistroFamily_t.RedHat; 

       if (Distro == Distro_t.YellowDog) 
        return DistroFamily_t.RedHat; 

       return DistroFamily_t.Unknown; 
     } // End Property DistroFamily 

     public static PackageManager_t PackageManager 
      get { 
       if (DistroFamily == DistroFamily_t.Debian) 
        return PackageManager_t.dpkg; 

       if (DistroFamily == DistroFamily_t.RedHat) 
        return PackageManager_t.rpm; 

       if(Distro == Distro_t.Arch) 
        return PackageManager_t.pacman; 

       if(Distro == Distro_t.Gentoo) 
        return PackageManager_t.portage; 

       if(Distro == Distro_t.Slackware) 
        return PackageManager_t.pkgtool; 

       if(Distro == Distro_t.Solaris) 
        return PackageManager_t.ips; 

       if(Distro == Distro_t.SunJDS) 
        return PackageManager_t.ips; 

       return PackageManager_t.unknown; 
     } // End Property PackageManager 

     // Release Files in /etc (from Unix.com) 
     // Novell SuSE---> /etc/SuSE-release 
     // Red Hat--->/etc/redhat-release, /etc/redhat_version 
     // Fedora-->/etc/fedora-release 
     // Slackware--->/etc/slackware-release, /etc/slackware-version 
     // Old Debian--->/etc/debian_release, /etc/debian_version 
     // New Debian--->/etc/os-release 
     // Mandrake--->/etc/mandrake-release 
     // Yellow dog-->/etc/yellowdog-release 
     // Sun JDS--->/etc/sun-release 
     // Solaris/Sparc--->/etc/release 
     // Gentoo--->/etc/gentoo-release 

     // cat /etc/issue 
     // CentOS Linux release 6.0 (Final) 
     // Kernel \r on an \m 

     // cat /proc/version 
     // uname -a 
     // If you are in a container, beware cat /proc/version will give the host distro, not the container one. 

     // http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/35183/how-do-i-identify-which-linux-distro-is-running 
     public static Distro_t Distro 
       string issue = null; 

       if (System.IO.File.Exists("/etc/issue")) 
        issue = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("/etc/issue", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); 

       if (EmbeddedWebServer.StringHelpers.Contains(issue, "Ubuntu")) 
        return Distro_t.Ubuntu; 

       if (System.IO.File.Exists("/etc/os-release")) 
        return Distro_t.Debian; // New Debian 

       if (System.IO.File.Exists("/etc/debian_release")) 
        return Distro_t.Debian; // Old Debian 

       if (System.IO.File.Exists("/etc/gentoo-release")) 
        return Distro_t.Gentoo; // Not yet supported 

       if (System.IO.File.Exists("/etc/SuSE-release")) 
        return Distro_t.Suse; 

       if (EmbeddedWebServer.StringHelpers.Contains(issue, "CentOS")) 
        return Distro_t.CentOS; 

       if (System.IO.File.Exists("/etc/fedora-release")) 
        return Distro_t.Fedora; 

       if (System.IO.File.Exists("/etc/redhat_version")) 
        return Distro_t.Fedora; 

       // Unsupported 
       if (System.IO.File.Exists("/etc/mandrake-release")) 
        return Distro_t.Mandrake; 

       if (System.IO.File.Exists("/etc/slackware-release")) 
        return Distro_t.Slackware; 

       if (System.IO.File.Exists("/etc/yellowdog-release")) 
        return Distro_t.YellowDog; 

       if (System.IO.File.Exists("/etc/yellowdog-release")) 
        return Distro_t.YellowDog; 

       if (System.IO.File.Exists("/etc/sun-release")) 
        return Distro_t.SunJDS; 

       if (System.IO.File.Exists("/etc/release")) 
        return Distro_t.Solaris; 

       if (System.IO.File.Exists("/etc/UnitedLinux-release")) 
        return Distro_t.Solaris; 

       return Distro_t.Unknown; 
      } // End Get 
     } // End Property Distro 

    } // End Class DistroInfo 

    public class dpkg 

     public static bool HasDPKG() 
      // if (System.IO.File.Exists("/usr/bin/dpkg")) return true; 
      if (DistroInfo.PackageManager == DistroInfo.PackageManager_t.dpkg) 
       return true; 

      return false; 
     } // End Function HasDPKG 

     public static bool IsPackageInstalled(string packageName) 
      Process process = new Process(); 
      process.StartInfo.FileName = "dpkg"; 
      process.StartInfo.Arguments = "-s \"" + packageName + "\""; 
      process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; 
      process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; 
      process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; 
      int result = process.ExitCode; 

      if (result == 0) 
       return true; 

      return false; 
     } // End Function IsPackageInstalled 

     public static string GetExecutable(string packageName) 
      Process process = new Process(); 
      process.StartInfo.FileName = "dpkg"; 
      process.StartInfo.Arguments = "-L \"" + packageName + "\""; 
      process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; 
      process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; 
      //* Read the output (or the error) 
      string output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); 

      if (output != null) 
       output = output.Replace("\r", "\n"); 
      string[] lines = output.Split(new char[] { '\n' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); 

      string executable = null; 

      foreach (string line in lines) 
       if (line.IndexOf("/bin/") != -1) 
        executable = line; 

      return executable; 
     } // End Function GetExecutable 

     public static System.Collections.Generic.List<BrowserInfo> GetInstalledBrowsers() 
      return GetInstalledBrowsers(BrowserInfo.DefaultBrowserRating); 
     } // End Function GetInstalledBrowsers 

     public static System.Collections.Generic.List<BrowserInfo> GetInstalledBrowsers(BrowserRatingCallback_t browserRatingCallback) 

      System.Collections.Generic.List<BrowserInfo> ls = new System.Collections.Generic.List<BrowserInfo>(); 
      System.Collections.Generic.List<string> packageList = GetPossibleBrowsers(); 

      foreach (string packageName in packageList) 
       if (IsPackageInstalled(packageName)) 
        int sort = browserRatingCallback(packageName); 

        ls.Add(new BrowserInfo() 
         Name = packageName 
         ,Path = GetExecutable(packageName) 
         ,Preference = sort 

       } // End if (isPackageInstalled(packageName)) 

      } // Next packageName 


      return ls; 
     } // End Function GetInstalledBrowsers 

     public static System.Collections.Generic.List<string> GetPossibleBrowsers() 
      return SearchPackages("www-browser"); 
     } // End Function GetPossibleBrowsers 

     public static System.Collections.Generic.List<string> SearchPackages(string categoryName) 
      System.Collections.Generic.List<string> ls = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>(); 

      Process process = new Process(); // e.g. apt-cache search www-browser 
      process.StartInfo.FileName = "apt-cache"; 
      process.StartInfo.Arguments = "search \"" + categoryName + "\""; 
      process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; 
      process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; 
      process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; 
      //* Read the output (or the error) 
      string output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); 

      if (output != null) 
       output = output.Replace("\r", "\n"); 

      string[] lines = output.Split(new char[] { '\n' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); 

      foreach (string line in lines) 
       if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) 

       int pos = line.IndexOf(" "); 
       if (pos < 0) 

       string packageName = line.Substring(0, pos); 
      } // Next line 

      return ls; 
     } // End Function SearchPackages 

    } // End Class dpkg 

    public class Win 

     public static System.Collections.Generic.List<BrowserInfo> GetPreferableBrowser(BrowserRatingCallback_t browserRatingCallback) 
      System.Collections.Generic.List<BrowserInfo> ls = new System.Collections.Generic.List<BrowserInfo>(); 
      if (System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform == System.PlatformID.Unix) 
       return ls; 

      using (Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey hklm = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine) 
       Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey webClientsRootKey = hklm.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet"); 
       if (webClientsRootKey != null) 
        foreach (var subKeyName in webClientsRootKey.GetSubKeyNames()) 
         if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName) != null) 
          if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell") != null) 
           if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell").OpenSubKey("open") != null) 
            if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell").OpenSubKey("open").OpenSubKey("command") != null) 
             string commandLineUri = (string)webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell").OpenSubKey("open").OpenSubKey("command").GetValue(null); 
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandLineUri)) 
             commandLineUri = commandLineUri.Trim("\"".ToCharArray()); 

             // viewer.Executable = commandLineUri; 
             string Name = (string)webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).GetValue(null); 

             ls.Add(new BrowserInfo() 
              Name = Name 
              Path = commandLineUri 
              Preference = browserRatingCallback(Name) 

      } // End Using 

      using (Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey hklm = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser) 
       Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey webClientsRootKey = hklm.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet"); 
       if (webClientsRootKey != null) 
        foreach (var subKeyName in webClientsRootKey.GetSubKeyNames()) 
         if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName) != null) 
          if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell") != null) 
           if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell").OpenSubKey("open") != null) 
            if (webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell").OpenSubKey("open").OpenSubKey("command") != null) 
             string commandLineUri = (string)webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).OpenSubKey("shell").OpenSubKey("open").OpenSubKey("command").GetValue(null); 
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandLineUri)) 
             commandLineUri = commandLineUri.Trim("\"".ToCharArray()); 

             // viewer.Executable = commandLineUri; 
             string Name = (string)webClientsRootKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName).GetValue(null); 

             ls.Add(new BrowserInfo() 
              Name = Name 
              Path = commandLineUri 
              Preference = browserRatingCallback(Name) 

      } // End Using 

      return ls; 
     } // End Function GetPreferableBrowser 


    public class rpm 

     public rpm() 
      throw new System.NotImplementedException("TODO"); 

     // # rpm -q --whatprovides webclient 

     // Another rough method is apropos 
     // This lists unexpected results too, and misses firefox as well as konqueror, who didn't filled the man-pages correctly. 
     //snx]->~ > apropos browser 
     //alevt (1)   - X11 Teletext browser 
     //amrecover (8)  - Amanda index database browser 
     //elinks (1)   - lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser 
     //gnome-moz-remote (1) - remote control of browsers. 
     //goad-browser (1)  - Graphical GOAD browser 
     //links (1)   - lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser 
     //LinNeighborhood (1) - an SMB Network Browser 
     //lynx (1)    - a general purpose distributed information browser for the World Wide Web 
     //mozilla-1.5 (1)  - a Web browser for X11 derived from Netscape Communicator 
     //opera (1)   - a graphical web browser 
     //sensible-browser (1) - sensible editing, paging, and web browsing 
     //smbtree (1)   - A text based smb network browser 
     //www (1)    - the W3C Line Mode Browser. 
     //www-browser (1)  - a general purpose distributed information browser for the World Wide Web 
     //xfhelp (1)   - lauches an HTML browser to display online documentation for 
     //      "The Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment" 
     //viewres (1x)   - graphical class browser for Xt 
     //htsserver (1)  - offline browser server : copy websites to a local directory 
     //httrack (1)   - offline browser : copy websites to a local directory 
     //webhttrack (1)  - offline browser : copy websites to a local directory 
    } // End Class RPM 

} // End Namespace 


using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Text; 

namespace EmbeddedWebServer 
    internal class StringHelpers 

     public static bool Contains(string source, string value) 
      if (source == null || value == null) 
       return false; 

      return System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(source, value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) != -1; 


Y este es el uso real:

public void OpenBrowser() 
    System.Collections.Generic.List<PlatformInfo.BrowserInfo> bi = PlatformInfo.BrowserInfo.GetPreferableBrowser(); 
    string url = "\"" + "" + this.m_Port.ToString() + "/Index.htm\""; 

    if (bi.Count > 0) 
     System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo psi = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); 
     psi.FileName =bi[0].Path; 
     psi.Arguments = url; 


} // End Sub OpenBrowser 

Hola Stefan, ¿puedes agregar líneas de código para obtener el navegador predeterminado? Gracias – Mrityunjay


El navegador predeterminado es simple: simplemente abra la URL como proceso: en Linux, esto requerirá que se instale gvfs, que generalmente será, en desktop-linux. –

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