2012-02-25 33 views

Quiero cargar el archivo de imagen en couchdb usando javascript. Para esto estoy usando el concepto de archivo adjunto en línea. al cargar el archivo, tengo que usar Base64 encode(). Este método tiene solo argumento de cadena. ¿Cómo puedo convertir un archivo de imagen a base64 String usando javascript? Por favor, ¿alguien puede compartir el fragmento de muestra?convirtiendo el archivo de imagen a base64 String usando javascript



Don 'usted ya tiene la imagen como una cadena para que pueda subirla? –


¿Cómo se almacena el archivo en la memoria? ¿Cuál es el tipo actual de la variable que lo contiene? – pimvdb



Se puede utilizar canvas en navegadores que lo admitan, siempre que la imagen se cargue desde el mismo dominio.

function encodeImage(src, callback) { 
    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'), 
     ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'), 
     img = new Image(); 

    img.onload = function() { 
     canvas.width = img.width; 
     canvas.height = img.height; 
     ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height); 
    img.src = src; 

ver un ejemplo here.


Como nota rápida, esto le dará algo de la forma "data: image/png; base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAA ....". Couchdb te dará un error críptico si tratas de adjuntar esto; necesita quitar la parte "data: image/png; base64". –


He utilizado el siguiente JavaScript base 64 codificador/decodificador con éxito: http://hellerim.net/base64_src.php

Hice algunos cambios en estas rutinas que pueden serle de utilidad:

// This file implements base64 encoding and decoding. 
// Encoding is done by the function base64Encode(), decoding 
// by base64Decode(). The naming mimics closely the corresponding 
// library functions found in PHP. However, this implementation allows 
// for a more flexible use. 
// This implementation follows RFC 3548 (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3548.node), 
// so the copyright formulated therein applies. 
// Dr.Heller Information Management, 2005 (http://www.hellerim.de). 

var base64 = function() { }; 

// provide for class information 
base64.classID = function() { 
    return 'system.utility.base64'; 

//disallow subclassing 
base64.isFinal = function() { 
    return true; 

// original base64 encoding 
base64.encString = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/'; 
// URL and file name safe encoding 
base64.encStringS = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_'; 

/// BEGIN_DOC(base64).METHOD(encode) 
// method String base64.encode(INPUTTYPE inp [, bool uc [, bool safe]]) 
// Encode input data into a base64 character string. 
// Function arguments: 
//  INPUTTYPE inp:  data to be encoded. INPUTTYPE may be String or Array. 
//       Any other INPUTTYPE results in an output value of null. 
//       If INPUTTYPE is String each character is converted into 
//       two bytes each of which is encoded separately. 
//  bool uc    Optional. If this parameter has a value of 'true' which is 
//       the default, code of each character is treated as a 16-bit 
//       entity (UniCode), i.e. as two bytes. Otherwise, the codes 
//       are truncated to one byte (8-bit character set) which 
//       may result in information loss. If INPUTTYPE is Array, 
//       the value of this parameter has no effect. 
//  bool safe:   Optioanal. If this parameter is set to true, the standard base64 
//       character set is replaced with a modified version where 
//       the characters '+' and '/' are replace with '-' and '_', 
//       repectively, in order to avoid problems with file system 
//       namings which otherwise could occur on some systems. 
//       By default, the value of this argument is assumed to be 
//       false. 
// Return value:    The function returns a character string consisting of 
//       the base64 representaion of the input. Its length is a 
//       multiple of 4. If the encoding yields less than this 
//       the string is stuffed with the '=' character. In each case, 
//       the string maybe empty but not null if no error occurred. 
// Errors:     Whenever an error occurs, null is returned. Parameter values 
//       not defined above are considered errors. 
// Remarks:     If the input array contains something different from 
//       a byte at some position the first 8 bits only of this entity are 
//       processed silently without returning an error, which probably 
//       results in garbage converted to base64. 
/// END_DOC 
base64.encode = function (inp, uc, safe) { 
    // do some argument checking 
    if (arguments.length < 1) return null; 
    var readBuf = []; // read buffer 
    if (arguments.length >= 3 && safe != true && safe != false) return null; 
    var enc = (arguments.length >= 3 && safe) ? this.encStringS : this.encString; // character set used 
    var b = (typeof inp == "string"); // how input is to be processed 
    if (!b && (typeof inp != "object") && !(inp instanceof Array)) return null; // bad input 
    if (arguments.length < 2) { 
    uc = true;     // set default 
    } // otherwise its value is passed from the caller 
    if (uc != true && uc != false) return null; 
    var n = (!b || !uc) ? 1 : 2; // length of read buffer 
    // var out = '';     // output string 
    var out = [];     // output string 
    var c = 0;     // holds character code (maybe 16 bit or 8 bit) 
    var j = 1;     // sextett counter 
    var l = 0;     // work buffer 
    var s = 0;     // holds sextett 

    // convert 
    for (var i = 0; i < inp.length; i++) { // read input 
    c = (b) ? inp.charCodeAt(i) : inp[i]; // fill read buffer 
    for (var k = n - 1; k >= 0; k--) { 
     readBuf[k] = c & 0xff; 
     c >>= 8; 
    for (var m = 0; m < n; m++) {   // run through read buffer 
     // process bytes from read buffer 
     l = ((l << 8) & 0xff00) | readBuf[m]; // shift remaining bits one byte to the left and append next byte 
     s = (0x3f << (2 * j)) & l;    // extract sextett from buffer 
     l -= s;        // remove those bits from buffer; 
     out.push(enc.charAt(s >> (2 * j)));  // convert leftmost sextett and append it to output 
     if (j == 4) {       // another sextett is complete 
     out.push(enc.charAt(l & 0x3f));  // convert and append it 
     j = 1; 
    switch (j) {       // handle left-over sextetts 
    case 2: 
     s = 0x3f & (16 * l);    // extract sextett from buffer 
     out.push(enc.charAt(s));    // convert leftmost sextett and append it to output 
     out.push('==');      // stuff 
    case 3: 
     s = 0x3f & (4 * l);     // extract sextett from buffer 
     out.push(enc.charAt(s));    // convert leftmost sextett and append it to output 
     out.push('=');       // stuff 

    return out.join(''); 


/// BEGIN_DOC(base64).METHOD(decode) 
// method RETURNTYPE base64.decode(String inp [, enum outType [, bool safe [, bool lax]]]) 
// Encode input data into a base64 character string. 
// Function arguments: 
//  String inp:   base64 encoded data string to be decoded. 
//  enum outType   Optional. This parameter specifies the type of the output and determines 
//       how the input data is to be interpreted.: 
//        0 - binary data; create a byte array (default) 
//        1 - 8-bit character string, assuming 1-byte characters encoded in inp 
//        2 - 16-bit (UniCode) character string, assuming 2-byte 
//         characters encoded in inp 
//       If 2 is passed to the function, but the number of base64 characters 
//       is odd, a value of null is returned. 
//  bool safe    Optional. If this parameter is set to true, the standard base64 
//       character set is replaced with a modified version where 
//       the characters '+' and '/' are replaced with '-' and '_', 
//       repectively, in order to avoid problems with file system 
//       namings which otherwise could occur on some systems. 
//       By default, the value of this argument is assumed to be 
//       false. 
//  bool lax    Optional. If set to true, the function skips all input characters which 
//       cannot be processed. This includes the character '=', too, if 
//       it is followed by at least one different character before the string 
//       ends. However, if skipping infeasible characters amounts to a number 
//       of allowed base64 characters which is not amultiple of 4, 
//       this is considered an error and null is returned. 
//       If lax is set to false (the default), null is returned 
//       whenever an infeasible character is found. 
//       The purpose of this parameter is to give support in cases 
//       where data has been base64 encoded and later on was folded by 
//       some other software, e.g. '\r\n\'s have been inserted in email. 
//       exchange. 
// Return value:    The function's processing result value is stored in a string or in 
//       a byte array before it is returned, depending on the value 
//       assigned to the type parameter. In each case, the value 
//       maybe empty but not null if no error occurred. 
// Errors:     Whenever an error occurs, null is returned. Parameter values 
//       not defined above are considered errors. 
/// END_DOC 

base64.decode = function (inp, outType, safe, lax) { 

    // do some argument checking 
    if (arguments.length < 1) return null; 
    if (arguments.length < 2) outType = 0; // produce character array by default 
    if (outType != 0 && outType != 1 && outType != 2) return null; 
    if (arguments.length >= 3 && safe != true && safe != false) return null; 
    var sEnc = (arguments.length >= 3 && safe) ? this.encStringS : this.encString; // select encoding character set 
    if (arguments.length >= 4 && lax != true && lax != false) return null; 
    var aDec = {};    // create an associative array for decoding 
    for (var p = 0; p < sEnc.length; p++) { // populate array 
    aDec[sEnc.charAt(p)] = p; 
    var out = (outType == 0) ? [] : ''; 
    lax = (arguments.length == 4 && lax); // ignore non-base64 characters 
    var l = 0;    // work area 
    var i = 0;    // index into input 
    var j = 0;    // sextett counter 
    var c = 0;    // input buffer 
    var k = 0;    // index into work area 
    var end = inp.length; // one position past the last character to be processed 
    var C = ''; 
    // check input 
    if (lax) { 
    var inpS = '';   // shadow input 
    var ignore = false; // determines wether '=' must be counted 
    var cnt = 0; 
    for (var p = 1; p <= inp.length; p++) { // check and cleanup string before trying to decode 
     c = inp.charAt(end - p); 
     if (c == '=') { 
     if (!ignore) { 
      if (++cnt > 1) ignore = true; 
     } else { 
     } else if (undefined != aDec[c]) { // the character is base64, hence feasible 
     if (!ignore) ignore = true;  // no more '=' allowed 
     inpS = c + inpS;     // prepend c to shadow input 
    for (var p = 0; p <= cnt; p++) {  // at most cnt '=''s were garbage, a number in 
     if (p == 2) return null;   // [inpS.length, inpS.length + cnt] must be a 
     if ((inpS.length + cnt) % 4 == 0) break; // multiple of 4 
    if (inpS.length % 4 == 1) return null; // must be 0, 2, or 3 for inpS to contain correctly base64 encoded data 
    inp = inpS;       // inp now contains feasible characters only 
    end = inp.length; 
    } else { 
    if (inp.length % 4 > 0) return null; // invalid length 
    for (var p = 0; p < 2; p++) {  // search for trailing '=''s 
     if (inp.charAt(end - 1) == '=') { 
     } else { 
    // convert 
    for (i = 0; i < end; i++) { 
    l <<= 6;        // clear space for next sextett 
    if (undefined == (c = aDec[inp.charAt(i)])) return null; // lax must be false at this place! 
    l |= (c & 0x3f); // append it 
    if (j == 0) { 
     continue;       // work area contains incomplete byte only 
    if (outType == 2) { 
     if (k == 1) {      // work area contains complete double byte 
     out += String.fromCharCode(l >> (2 * (3 - j))); // convert leftmost 16 bits and append them to string 
     l &= ~(0xffff << (2 * (3 - j)));  // clear the 16 processed bits 
     k = ++k % 2; 
    } else {        // work area contains complete byte 
     if (outType == 0) { 
     out.push(l >> (2 * (3 - j)));   // append byte to array 
     } else { 
     out += String.fromCharCode(l >> (2 * (3 - j))); // convert leftmost 8 bits and append them to String 
     l &= ~(0xff << (2 * (3 - j)));   // clear the 8 processed bits 
    j = ++j % 4;       // increment sextett counter cyclically 
    if (outType == 2 && k == 1) return null; // incomplete double byte in work area 

    return out; 

Hay una función base64 incluida en couchDB. Ver this pregunta reciente & respuesta.


Esto es lo que he hecho:

function addAttachment(inputId, inputDb) { 
    var db = $.couch.db(inputDb); 
    var file = document.getElementById("attachment").files[0]; 
    var reader = new FileReader(); 

    reader.onloadend = function() { 
     //That's CouchDB's internal Base64. 
     var base64 = Base64.encode(reader.result); 
      db.openDoc(inputId, { 
      success:function (result) { 
        "_id": inputId, 
        "_attachments": { 
          "data": base64 
       }, { 
        success : function() { 
        error : function (a, b, c) { 
         alert('Cannot save'); 
      error:function (a, b, c) { 
       alert('Error: ' + c); 

    if (file) { 

Y mi HTML:

<form id="upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" > 
    <input type="file" id="attachment" name="_attachments"/> 
    <input type="button" value="Submit"/> 

Es importante que lea como binarios (readAsBinaryString) y convertir en base 64 utilizando la biblioteca interna CouchDB:

<script src="/_utils/script/base64.js"></script> 
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