2011-06-13 23 views

Al intentar instalar Sup través de MacPorts me sale: -Rubí instalación de fastthread-1.0.7 y Sup

>---> Computing dependencies for sup 
>---> Dependencies to be installed: rb-fastthread rb-ferret rb-gettext rb-locale rb-highline rb-lockfile >rb-mime-types rb-ncurses-ruby rb-net-ssh rb-rake rb-rmail rb-trollop 
>---> Verifying checksum(s) for rb-fastthread 
>Error: Checksum (md5) mismatch for fastthread-1.0.7.gem 
>Error: Checksum (sha1) mismatch for fastthread-1.0.7.gem 
>Error: Checksum (rmd160) mismatch for fastthread-1.0.7.gem 
>The non-matching file appears to be HTML. See this page for possible reasons 
>for the checksum mismatch: 
>Error: Target org.macports.checksum returned: Unable to verify file checksums 
>Error: Failed to install rb-fastthread 
>Log for rb-fastthread is at: >/opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_ruby_rb->fastthread/main.log 
>Error: The following dependencies were not installed: rb-fastthread rb-ferret rb-gettext rb-locale rb->highline rb-lockfile rb-mime-types rb-ncurses-ruby rb-net-ssh rb-rake rb-rmail rb-trollop 
>Error: Status 1 encountered during processing. 
>To report a bug, see <http://guide.macports.org/#project.tickets> 

El error parece indicar que los mis servidores DNS no son re-dirigiendo adecuadamente, pero estoy usando los servidores y de Goolge, así que esto no debería ser un problema.

OSX 10.6 y ruby ​​1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revisión 30909) [x86_64-darwin10].

Cualquier sugerencia sería apreciada.



sudo Intentado instalar sup con estos resultados: -

>sudo gem install sup 
>Building native extensions. This could take a while... 
>ERROR: Error installing sup: 
>  ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. 

>/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb 
>checking for unistd.h... yes 
>checking for locale.h... yes 
>checking for ncurses.h... yes 
>checking for wmove() in -lncursesw... no 
>checking for wmove() in -lpdcurses... no 
>*** extconf.rb failed *** 
>Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of 
>necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more 
>details. You may need configuration options. 

>Provided configuration options: 
>  --with-opt-dir 
>  --without-opt-dir 
>  --with-opt-include 
>  --without-opt-include=${opt-dir}/include 
>  --with-opt-lib 
>  --without-opt-lib=${opt-dir}/lib 
>  --with-make-prog 
>  --without-make-prog 
>  --srcdir=. 
>  --curdir 
>  --ruby=/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby 
>  --with-ncurseswlib 
>  --without-ncurseswlib 
>  --with-pdcurseslib 
>  --without-pdcurseslib 
>extconf.rb:46: ncurses library not found (RuntimeError) 

que había instalado previamente ncurses a través del puerto sudo instalar ncurses + universial



Al parecer, Mac OS X viene con ncurses ya instalados, por lo que sólo podía ser un tema $ PATH? ¿locate ncurses muestra algo útil? Si me quedo aquí tengo algunas cosas en/desarrollador (.dylibs iPhone), los archivos de puertos, y algunas cosas en/usr/include y/usr/lib, incluyendo:


Siempre podría intentar localizar ncurses lib manualmente y luego cambiando las opciones de configuración para gem install sup